Peg looked up the movie Zanadu on Wikipedia for background. From what we saw, the Tacoma Musical Playhouse production is much more fun . . . and sillier. Imagine dancing and singing and acting on roller skates. Not the metal ones that latched onto your shoes when you were but a young kid, but the […]
Public Hearing on Draft ‘One Tacoma’ Comprehensive Plan Update March 5
The “One Tacoma” Comprehensive Plan is an important tool that establishes Tacoma’s future vision and policy direction, and guides its growth and development over the next 25 years. It is currently being updated, and the City of Tacoma invites the community to learn about this once-in-a-decade update. Community members are also invited to participate in […]
Puyallup Chocolates makes its debut at the Tacoma Dome
The Puyallup Tribal Enterprises (PTE) team were in constant motion during the first day of the Tacoma Home & Garden Show at the Tacoma Dome on Jan. 30 to Feb. 2. The team spent the weekend handing out sample giveaways of the Puyallup Tribe’s newest business venture, Puyallup Chocolates, and answering a bevy of questions […]
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Submitted by Tacoma Little Theatre. Tacoma Little Theatre brings the Tony-Award winning play, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, based on the acclaimed novel by Mark Haddon, to its stage to start off the New Year. This production is directed by Suzy Willhoft and assistant directed by Brookelyne Peterson. 15-year-old Christopher has an extraordinary […]
Endangered Malayan Tapir Calf Born
A rare and endangered Malayan tapir calf was born at the zoo on Sunday, February 2, marking only the second tapir birth in our 120-year history. The newborn, covered in distinctive white spots and stripes that resemble a tiny, walking watermelon, is considered healthy. Mother Yuna, 10, is also doing well, according to Head Veterinarian […]
Tacoma City Council Member Joe Bushnell Appointed to Lead National League of Cities’ Military Communities Council
TACOMA, Wash. — Tacoma City Council Member Joe Bushnell has been appointed to serve a one-year term as Chair of the National League of Cities (NLC) 2025 Military Communities Council. As Chair of NLC’s Military Communities Council, Council Member Bushnell will spearhead a diverse coalition of local government leaders, driving collaboration, networking, and the development of replicable resources and programs […]
Symphony Tacoma presents Mythical Landscapes
Submitted by Symphony Tacoma. Symphony Tacoma presentsMythical LandscapesSunday, February 23rd – 2:30pmPantages Theater Sarah Ioannides, conductorXiaohui Yang, piano Symphony Tacoma invites audiences on a mesmerizing journey through myth, magic, and music with Mythical Landscapes, an enchanting concert featuring internationally acclaimed pianist Xiaohui Yang. This captivating performance on Sunday, February 23rd, at 2:30pm is an exceptional […]
Kenmore Air and Puyallup Tribe expand partnership with international service; new seasonal flights link Tacoma, Victoria
Kenmore Air, in collaboration with the Puyallup Tribe of Indians, is excited to announce the extension of their seasonal seaplane flight service between Tacoma’s Ruston Way and Victoria, BC’s Inner Harbour. The service, which will run from May 15 through Sept. 15, offers an unparalleled travel experience, providing the fastest and most scenic route for South […]
Centerstage has done it again – Miss Holmes Sparkles
Come see the bubbly Trista Duval as the staid, intellectual Sherlock Holmes. Of course, the words staid and “intellectual don’t really apply since she is like a butterfly, flitting from one thought to three others. She just plain sparkles. After watching and reviewing a different Holmes and Watson production with female detectives in Olympia, Don […]