Submitted by Nancy Henderson. Wednesday’s strong winds rearranged the cardboard placed over the restoration site. The cardboard and small bridge washed downstream are back in place. (Thank you Erin and Shane!) This experience underscores the importance of getting the wood chips down ASAP. Two large piles of wood chips are now in place awaiting our […]
Letter: Bring back shop class in schools
Submitted by Greg Alderete. Everything I Needed to Know I Learned While Using a Bandsaw in High School In the seventh grade at JE Murphy High School, I stood in front of a band saw for the first time. It wasn’t just a machine; it was a teacher in disguise. What started as a lesson […]
Steilacoom Town Administrator December 13 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s December 13 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
Letter: Why the Health Insurance System is Making America Great Again (And Again, And Again, And Again)
Submitted by Greg Alderete. Good evening, America! You’ve tuned into a very special edition of “The Daily Show,” because tonight, we’re diving deep into the most American institution of them all — healthcare. That’s right, folks. If you’ve ever thought the words, “I’m feeling sick, let’s call my insurance company and see if they can […]
Steilacoom Town Hall Becomes Hall of Elves
Submitted by Nancy E. Henderson. On Sunday, December 8, the Steilacoom Town Hall was transformed into a colorful and festive Hall of Elves. Since 2009, the annual Steilacoom Christmas Sing and Play Along has attracted musicians and singers of all ages. Playing a variety of musical instruments, musicians provided beautiful holiday music as the full […]
Steilacoom Town Administrator December 6 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s December 6 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
Steilacoom: 5th St Waterway Work Party, Friday 6 December 1-3 PM
Submitted by Nancy Henderson. We have made much progress clearing blackberrry vines and roots from the land bordering a stretch of the 5th St Waterway. Needed now is a concerted effort to finish clearing the ground and laying down more cardboard. Then we will cover the area with wood chips. If we finish this by […]
Save the Date: Steilacoom Kiwanis WineFest, Feb. 1, 2025
Submitted by Steilacoom Kiwanis. The Steilacoom Kiwanis Foundation Winter WineFest is a dinner, wine tasting, and auction event. Its purpose is to raise funds to support the children, schools and communities of Steilacoom, DuPont, Anderson Island and Joint Base Lewi-McChord. When is it? February 1st, 2025 Where is it? McGavick Conference Center, Clover Park Technical […]
Letter: The Harmful Consequences of Removing Transgender Service Members from the Military: A Violation of Readiness and Human Decency
Submitted by Gregory L. Alderete. Removing transgender service members from the military not only undermines the effectiveness of the armed forces but also violates basic principles of human decency. Military readiness depends on the ability to recruit and retain the best and most qualified personnel, regardless of gender identity. Excluding transgender individuals deprives the military […]