Submitted by Greg Alderete. The dusty winds of Montana swept across the plains as the 7th Cavalry marched toward the Little Bighorn. Over a century later, in a city half a world away, the deafening hum of rotors filled the air above Mogadishu as helicopters descended into a labyrinth of hostile streets. Two battles, separated […]
Steilacoom’s Burgess Named to William & Mary Dean’s List
Submitted by William & Mary. Lillian Burgess from Steilacoom, WA was recently named to the Dean’s List at the College of William & Mary for the fall 2024 semester. In order to achieve Dean’s List status, a full-time degree seeking undergraduate student must take at least 12 credit hours and earn a 3.6 Quality Point […]
Steilacoom Town Administrator February 14 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s February 14 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
That Ribbon of Highway – Woody Guthrie in the Northwest
Submitted by Lee Ann Ufford, Program chair, friends of the Steilacoom Library. Woody Guthrie (1912-1967) was a famed singer, songwriter and composer of folk, country, blues and protest music. Perhaps best known for “This Land is Your Land” the native Oklahoman lived in New York City for many years but it was his brief time […]
Letter: Towers of Babel in the Modern Era
Submitted by Aaron Arkin. According to Genesis Chapter 11 of the Bible, the Tower of Babel was built to reach the heavens by a united humanity. God, observing this arrogance, resolved to confuse humanity’s previously uniform language, dooming the project and preventing any such future efforts. Still, with mathematics the lingua franca of architects and […]
Steilacoom Super Work Party XIV. Mother Nature Has the Last Word
Submitted by Nancy E. Henderson. Hours before Super Bowl LIX began, with assurances of no precipitation, 27 energetic volunteers attended Steilacoom’s Super Work Party XIV. This was the 14th work party devoted to restoring habitat along a stretch of the Town’s 5th Street Waterway which has lacked native plants and adequate shade. The 5th Street […]
Developer files application to develop former Abitibi Mill Site in Steilacoom
The Town of Steilacoom has received an application for a Master Planned Development Permit for The Cove at Chambers Bay (former Abitibi Mill Site). Along with the MPD Permit, concurrent review for SEPA, Shoreline Permits, Critical Areas, Preliminary Plat, and Road Vacation have been applied for. Public comments on the application will be accepted through […]
Letter: Pluralism
Submitted by Greg Alderete. Pluralism, often praised as a strength of democracy, can be manipulated into a tool of division, serving the interests of those in power rather than the people. Throughout history, leaders who seek to maintain control have understood that the greatest threat to entrenched elites is a unified working class. To prevent […]
Steilacoom Town Administrator February 7 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s February 7 report to the Town Council by clicking here.