A Clover Park School District story. Our CPSD Staff Spotlight this week features Lochburn Middle School math teacher Emily Umstead. This is Emily’s 13th year at Lochburn, and she’s been lucky enough to keep the same classroom each year. She has always taught eighth grade but welcomed sixth grade students into her classroom this year. […]
Paving begins on North Gate Road
City of Lakewood announcement. Paving began Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022 on North Gate Road in the Lake City neighborhood. This is part of Lakewood’s JBLM-North Access road improvement project. Paving is expected to be done on this section of North Gate Road by the end of the day Wednesday. Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022 the city’s contractor is […]
Historian Darrel Nash to have Buffalo Soldier display at FAB Fest, Oct. 14-16
Phil Raschke announcement. Darrel Nash, noted historian and board member of the Tacoma Buffalo Soldiers Museum, will host a Buffalo Soldiers display on all three days of this year’s Film, Art, Book (FAB) Fest set for 14, 15, 16 Oct. Nash’s display will cover the birth and development of the Buffalo Soldiers during their 85 years […]
Community Work Day at Lakewood Wildlife Area Oct. 1
Submitted by Clover Park Rotary. A Community Work day at the Lakewood South Sound Wildlife area (also know as the old Game Farm on Phillips Rd) will take place from 9 am to 1 pm on Oct. 1. This Fall Cleanup will install new concrete pad for two new Picnic Tables. Come join Rotary, Kiwanis and […]
Fort Steilacoom Hosts First Book Sale in Lakewood since 2019
Historic Fort Steilacoom announcement. Looking for a good book to go with your mug of tea and cozy sweater this Fall? Then stop by the Fort Steilacoom Book Sale next Saturday, October 1 and pick up a familiar favorite or new classic while supporting this historic site! This used book sale includes everything from military […]
What’s the latest with Lakewood’s Washington Boulevard road work?
City of Lakewood announcement. Progress is being made on the road improvements to Washington Boulevard and surrounding roads in the Lake City area. If you drove at night this week on Washington Boulevard at Gravelly Lake Drive and Washington Boulevard at Interlaaken Drive you hopefully noticed it was a lot brighter. That’s because the street […]
Pierce College celebrates grand opening of Glacier Building on Wednesday, Sept. 28
Pierce College announcement. Pierce College is proud to announce the grand opening celebration of our newest academic building on Wednesday, Sept. 28 at 4:30 p.m. Pierce College Fort Steilacoom’s Glacier Building features 36,000 square feet of state-of-the-art learning spaces for our Dental Hygiene and Veterinary Technology programs. “Glacier will provide outstanding learning spaces for our […]
Letter: What and Who is Lakewood CARES?
Submitted by John Arbeeny. What and Who is Lakewood CARES? (Citizens for Accountability, Responsibility, Education and Service) You may have heard of Lakewood CARES recently from people who have never attended a CARES meeting and who, disagreeing with CARES positions on issues, grossly mis-characterized CARES in their ignorance. If they can’t attack the CARES message […]
CPSD Promising Future: John Stambach
A Clover Park School District story. Our Promising Futures Friday featured student this week is Beachwood Elementary School fifth grader John Stambach. John’s favorite subject is math, and he is well known at Beachwood for his advanced skills. “I enjoy that there’s basically no limits to math,” he said. He happily works ahead of schedule […]