Submitted by John Arbeeny.
What and Who is Lakewood CARES? (Citizens for Accountability, Responsibility, Education and Service)
You may have heard of Lakewood CARES recently from people who have never attended a CARES meeting and who, disagreeing with CARES positions on issues, grossly mis-characterized CARES in their ignorance. If they can’t attack the CARES message then they are content to attack the CARES messenger! Here’s the real story.
CARES was founded in 1999 as a non-partisan 501c4 organization by Lakewood CITIZENS who thought that Lakewood’s City Council was out of touch with the people they were supposed to represent. In 2000 CARES sponsored a community gathering at Pierce College at which 600+ Lakewood residents voiced their displeasure with Lakewood’s government. CARES quickly became a rallying point for those who thought government was supposed to represent citizens instead of dictate to them. CARES demanded that Lakewood’s City Council members be held ACCOUNTABLE and RESPONSIBLE for their actions by the people who elected them.

CARES members ran for City Council in 2001, 2003 and 2005; and three of its members were elected/reelected: Pad Finnigan (2001, 2005), John Arbeeny (2003, 2005 Deputy Mayor) and Dr. Ron Cronk (2005) who SERVED together on the Council. Together they nominated and elected Dr. Claudia Thomas as the first Black female mayor in Washington State history, so much for opponents labeling CARES as “racist”. These council members were able to institute many notable reforms and changes to city government, such as obtaining initiative and referendum rights, defeating unnecessary tax increases and opposing the foolish theme park proposal that would have cost citizens millions of tax payer dollars. In 2006 CARES City Council members supported the Clover Park School District (CPSD) construction bond on the proviso that the District would focus on achieving academic competence! We knew that new buildings alone do not academic competence make.
Since 1999 through 2022 CARES has remained a registered 501c4 organization. CARES became most active again in 2020/2021 in response to the Clover Park School District’s lack of ACCOUNTABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY with regard to our children’s education. CARES is a non-partisan, conservatively oriented organization, a community “think tank” that seeks logical, common sense solutions to the problems faced by CPSD, students, parents and community.
CARES supported CPSD School Board candidates David Anderson and Jeff Brown by EDUCATING the public on critical CPSD issues. CARES members have produced and responded to over 100 articles on the subject of education and related topics since 2020 and have provided organizational and campaign briefings that have been given locally and across this nation.
CARES members and supporters collectively bring a wealth of life’s experience and common sense to the table. Here are some examples of CARES members’ SERVICE to our nation and community.
- Military service: 111+ years
- Overseas service: 30+ years
- Volunteer service: 169+ years
- Advanced education: 1 Associate, 8 Baccalaureate and 2 Masters degrees
- Teaching experience: 42+ years
- Business experience: 132+ years
- Fields of expertise: audiology, speech, early childhood education, behavioral science, systems analysis, business administration and management, aeronautics, architecture, engineering, history, military operations planning and intelligence, real estate sales and investing, financial planning, construction contracting
- Children attended/attending and future attendees in the CPSD: 14+
- Elected positions: 45+ years
- Advisory board positions: 21+ years
CARES members are a group of concerned, educated citizens who have served our country and community across a wide spectrum of military, business, teaching, elected and advisory positions. Compare these accomplishments with those who oppose CARES. What is it exactly opponents bring to the discussion other than vitriol?
CARES central value with regards to education is simply stated: ”Clover Park School District’s primary VALUE is: To provide an academically challenging educational experience for all students which prepares them for adult life, family and community membership, the trades, business or college.”
CARES demands CPSD and its School Board focus their efforts on achieving that academic competence. Anything else, to include social engineering and political indoctrination, is a distraction from that goal. It’s the prime reason for any school district’s existence and represents the future of our Country, State, County, City and, most importantly, our children’s future.
Unfortunately, the District’s academic competence has been sliding for years, a trend that must be reversed. In 2016 the District was ranked academically at 46% of all districts in Washington. Just six years later (the last four of which were under Superintendent Banner) it dropped to 27% in 2022. This is unacceptable and can be laid at the feet of the District’s School Board and administration. CARES is up for that struggle to reverse this downward trend and make CPSD the academic powerhouse it used to be. Are you?
For more information about Lakewood CARES from those who know, please call John Arbeeny at 253-584-3606.
No Transparency/ Massive Conflicts of Interest: John Arbeeny and David Anderson are deperately trying to do advance damage control. They knew the curtain was being pulled back on this secretive nonprofit. I gave them notice last week. 🙂
1. The three registered “governors” of Lakewood CARES are : David Anderson, John Arbeeny and James Cooper. They filed in May, 2021 at the same time David Anderson launched his campaign for school board director. Coincidence? Did Arbeeny mention these leaders in the explanation of this nonprofit?
2. Clover Park School Board Director David Anderson is an active leader of a far right political group. He sits on the school board wearing two hats. He failed to tell citizens of his huge conflict of interest. His own political group assisted his campaign while he told voters he wanted to take politics out of education. Truth problems?
3. David Anderson renewed his status as “governor” of Lakewood CARES in July 2022. That tells you where his loyalty belongs. Politics over schools.
4. David Anderson has never answered repeated questions concerning his role in LakewoodCARES since he began his campaign and took his board position. Neither has John Arbeeny….until this gem of a disclosure. Why were they intentionally keeping it a secret and leaving the public out? Again, zero transparency.
5. David Anderson, John Arbeeny, James Cooper, Paul Wagemann and an interesting list of CARES members are on public records busy deciding the “next moves” they are going to make concerning your schools. The public will learn more.
6. Arbeeny creates the narrative, writes the Sub Times letters trashing our schools and then passes it off to Anderson and Wagemann to do the same at board meetings. All coordinated.
I’m delighted to read this. Imagine an ethical nonprofit just now writing what it actually does after decades of being in operation…. and right before being told they were going to be exposed. Looks bad.
It was quite interesting to see this “damage control” explanation regarding CARES. So many have asked what this group involves and until today there was no explanation. David Anderson has been asked numerous times to explain what CARES involved and what his position was on the board. Perhaps the lack of transparency and partisan attacks by members have raised suspicion?
After searching for information on CARES for some period of time I saw this on August 8, 2022 in the Suburban Times. A person had asked for information regarding a grassroots group for political change. Mr Arbeeny responded and here is an excerpt. “Well there is an existing organization, Lakewood CARES that can provide you the organizational support as a launch pad for your candidacy, the ins and outs of successful campaigning and make you the expert on political issues. We’ve done it before helping elect/reelect three members to the Lakewood City Council and most recently Director David Anderson to the Clover Park School District Board.”
That was the first explanation I had ever seen after years. Again, why the secret?
There have been consistent damning letters about the school board citing transparency and used testing documents out of context. You accused the former mayor of nepotism when his daughter was ELECTED to the school board, and verbally attacked people who held other views. You told a person in the Suburban Times “the woke left wants you to leave so they have the playing field all to themselves.” Most of your articles are politically motivated, which is absolutely your right, but to now say CARES is a non/partisan conservative group is humorous. Actions and words say otherwise. There is nothing nonpartisan about your members actions in their writing and words.
Mr. Arbeeny, as to vitriol about racism, there are numerous instances in past public emails and articles from you and other CARES members. You have consistently written damning letters about the school board citing transparency and then used testing documents out of context. You accused the former mayor of nepotism when his daughter was ELECTED to the school board, and verbally attack people with other views. You recently told a person in the Suburban Times “the woke left wants you to leave so they have the playing field all to themselves.” Your articles are politically motivated, which is absolutely your right, but please don’t pretend they are not.
Cheri for the sake of transparency please advise the public as to your experience regarding military service, overseas service, volunteer service, advanced education , teaching experience, business experience, fields of expertise, children/grandchildren in CPSD, elected positions, advisory board positions.
CARES is not interested in “trashing” CPSD. CARES is focused on reversing the District’s spiral down to the current ranking in the lowest 27% academically. That should be the goal of every citizen who is paying for a first rate education system (top 25%) and getting a 4th rate education system (near bottom 25%).
CARES has been around for over 22 years and during that time has presented many briefings on its origins, values, principals and strategic goals at many venues. That you were not in attendance is probably due to the fact that these organizations were not in your political orbit. CARES makes no secret about where it stands on the issues. There are over 100 articles and responses published in just the Suburban Times by CARES members since 2021 alone. We are out there for anyone to see.
Directors Anderson and Wagemann are their own people: they do not need someone to tell them what to think. They represent a broad cross section of citizens who elected them so it is not remarkable that they have similar positions on the issues. Indeed Directors Pearson, Jacobs and Veliz “suspiciously” seem to march in lock step to the issues. Is that an indication that they are being manipulated by an unseen puppet master?
What have Directors Anderson and Wagemann supported and achieved in less than a year together on the Board?
• 2nd to motions to address key issues previously ignored
• Significant discussions of key issues previously dodged by Board
• Established a Director voting record for accountability
• Identified the District’s dismal academic standing (until recently, ignored)
• Academic achievement is now front and center (Wagemann priority)
• The Academic Improvement Board (AIC) now reports to the Board (for the first time)
• School improvement plans will be reviewed by the Board in November 2022
• School principals are scheduled to brief Board monthly (not done for years)
• Board responsibility for policy review (many are 12+ years old)
• Holding Board responsible for adhering to SOP and policy
• Identifying Board procedures in conflict with policy and law
• In-person and Zoom access to Board meetings
• Complete timely Board meeting minutes (still a problem)
• On-line (youtube) audio video of all Board meetings
• Pushed for public comments on District youtube presentations (voted down)
• Transparency for public to see documents used in Board decision making
• Improvement of audio visual in meeting rooms so public can hear/see with clarity
You’ve lost your relevance by focusing on CARES as a “boogieman” while you and others ignore the real issues that face CPSD. It’s not about CARES; it’s about CPSD! CARES, Director Anderson and Wagemann have taken those issues head on and their progress bodes well for the District. That’s what’s necessary to improve the District’s educational outcomes for our students, their families and our community.
Mr. Arbeeny, You have refused to be transparent even in this letter. The important details you left out were not an oversight. Why did you fail to list the leaders of your group?
Those “racist” comments Wagemann made were in communications with Lakewood Cares members were they not?Your names are right there.
Now that you have announced yourself as being a nonpartisan nonprofit we can relook at all of the documents that support your claim. I know you would never intentionally lie to the public.
Does Lakewood CARES meet regularly in a neutral nonpartisan location or in a space provided by a political party? If so, which party? And, where do they meet?
Has Lakewood CARES ever used materials, computers, trainings or any other services from a political party? If so, which party?
I had long hoped that Lakewood Cares would take up one important stance with the Lakewood City Council. Demand that Council positions be districted. This will be the only way that the citizens of Lakewood will have equal and fair representation. Too long has the fate of the entirety of Lakewood been in the hands of those living in 98498.
Thanks Paul! Back when we had CARES members on the Council we had brought up the topic on numerous occasions but there was little support from the rest of the Council. We even suggested something like Tacoma’s combination of at-large and district representatives. The opposition essentially responded with “if it isn’t broken don’t fix it”. Perhaps with CPSD re-districting we have an opportunity to bring the concept of district elections back on the front burner. However it’s tough to get elected officials, be they Board or Council members to limit their own political power. Our current focus is on CPSD and education but who knows what’s next!
Just who are the “who” in the title of this Arbeeny letter/ advertisement/ snow job! No names except Pad Finnigan and Ron Cronk from years ago? Come on! If you are messing with our schools you better come clean. How many members are there? Do they all live in Lakewood? What political party does your group represent? Where do you meet? You said nonpartisan, prove it. Are these the same people who attend school board meetings making excuses for Wagemann and throwing personal attacks at our real “nonpartisan” school board members as fast as they can make them up? They sound like extremists, white nationalists with some QAnon thrown in the mix? There is nothing nonpartisan about any of them. If these are your members, Lakewood needs to know and be worried.
If there are public records people have with the names of these CARES members let the citizens know because something isn’t smelling right with Arbeenys political interest in our schools. Who is behind this?
Wow, this whole issue is a perfect example of the polarized politics that have morphed into their own monster these days.
I tend to identify with the narrative that we need to do better academically for these kids, rather than those who seem hell-bent on playing a game of “gotcha!” over affiliations that seem hardly relevant.
Thanks Brian. Those affiliations are nothing but a dodge to avoid the real issues CPSD faces. When you can’t attack the message, you attack the messenger. I issue a challenge to those critics above who think it’s all about CARES. Try if you can to identify a single thing the CPSD could do to improve its academic standing from the current low of 27%. Let’s see if they can. In my response above I gave 17 examples of positive steps championed by Directors Anderson and Wagemann during 2022. Can CARES critics give me a list of positive steps championed by Directors Pearson, Jacobs and Veliz during 2022?
Mr. Arbeeny, You made claims in your letter. You have failed to answer simple questions concerning those claims. This is your pattern. Why?
Here’s another question. When and where are your meetings so those of us who are nonpartisans may join your group? I assume all in the community are welcome to be a CARES member based on your explanation about CARES; any nonpartisan focused on education and who has no political agenda to push are welcome. Great! That describes me and many others who show up to school board meetings. Let us know when and where you meet.
If a reader reviewed the last couple years of the Suburban Times, as encouraged by Mr. Arbeeny above, you would find a plethora of troubling attacks that were grounded in far right views. Everyone is free to express themselves and have their belief systems so that should not be is not an issue. Of course Mr.Arbeeny does feel it is his right to also override other opinions. While that is to be expected in public discourse he now calls any other views as “woke.” Notably he doesn’t use it correctly, but it is also quite revealing that CARES is not a non-partisan group. You stated that people are not aware of the CARES group because it is not in their “political orbit.” What does that mean? Many have asked from both the Republican and Democratic sides and no one seemed to get a response. Why the falsehoods? Are you ashamed of your group or is there an ulterior motive?
Asking someone to respond to their educational worthiness compared to your list of CARES members does not equate to a monopoly on experience or intelligence. There have been countless attacks on the worthiness of our Superintendent, board members and teachers. There have also been many emails of members (public records) revealing racism, homophobia and misogyny. One of my favorites is an email sent regarding a female board member who you said should be home with her children. Really?
I’d put in ageism, but it is from the past when you, Mr.Finnegan and Cronk attempted to have a much younger person run for a Lakewood council election. I remember reading this in the Tacoma News Tribune. Apparently Mrs. Thomas was too old at 76 and not conservative enough? That was the Mrs Thomas you previously said you nominated for election to illustrate your lack of racism. Oh, BTW, how old are you, Mr. Anderson and Mr Wagemann? It doesn’t matter really, but just wondering.? Are your children part of the 14+?
Members of your group, who have admitted being in the group (they have some talky friends), have ridiculed the educated as elitists while demanding a better school system. I don’t think they appreciate your combined educational laurels? There have been lies sent about board members and when discovered no retraction.
Yes, there should be interest and f/u on how our children are learning, but please do not think you are the only experts. When the state has set criteria for what is to be taught there has been immediate pushback. Equity was met with exaggerated horror that white children were going to be treated unfairly. Equity may include race, but it also includes, disadvantaged, disabled, homeless, foster children, foreign language and much more. There was the false notion that CRT was part of a plan for the district and that was also beat to death. So many things that the district has been mandated to do has been challenged as a plot by the school board. The plotting seems to come from elsewhere.
Debate is not overriding others’ opinions: it’s a back and forth discussion to determine solutions to problems. Yet this thread has had little discussion of CPSD problems but rather resorted to ad hominem attacks. I would love to hear your collective solutions……..I’ve asked for it several times without success.
By the way, “woke” was not used by myself anywhere in this thread.
We do not think we are the only experts but we do look at process, finding it lacking procedurally, and results, finding it lacking academically. A perfect example. Despite the Academic Improvement Committee (AIC) having been in existence since 2016, why did it take a motion and second by Directors Anderson and Wagemann in 2022 to have the AIC brief the Board quarterly?
Again I ask you and others the question:
“Identify any single thing the CPSD could do to improve its academic standing from the current low of 27%. Give me a list of any positive initiatives championed by Directors Pearson, Jacobs and Veliz during 2022.”
CARES isn’t the issue; CPSD is. Identify a single thing the CPSD could do to improve its academic standing from the current low of 27%. Give me a list of positive initiatives championed by Directors Pearson, Jacobs and Veliz during 2022.
Lol. You’re non-partisan!? Your vitriolic attacks against CARES are anything but non-partisan. Trying to squelch dissent by attacking the messenger is right out of the leftist playbook. CARES is a private 501c4 organization that has every right to screen potential members and attendees. I don’t think you would fit in well as evidenced by your public discourse to date. I cannot remember once over the last year+ where you had anything to say about CPSD academic performance which is the central issue. It is that academic performance that dominates CARES meetings and you have shown that you have nothing to add to that discussion.
John, who is a director in the group, just stated that CARES is a private group that screens membership. We’re this group genuinely interested in improving academic performance, they would embrace diverse voices to come up with solutions for a district that is impacted by poverty and ACEs. Clearly CARES is a partisan political group following the national playbook that embraces the boogie man of CRT in the name of turning the district board into another right wing arm.
Diverse voices……….like those on this thread? That’s not diversite but rather a collection of voices more inclined to malign rather than contribute to the discussion. If you can’t contribute here in public I doubt you can in private.
Identify a single thing the CPSD could do to improve its academic standing from the current low of 27%. Give me a list of positive initiatives championed by Directors Pearson, Jacobs and Veliz during 2022.
If you’re satisfied with CPSD’s academic performance in the lowest 27% then you have nothing to contribute to the discussion.
Mr. Arbeeny, my question had to do with CARES motivation to employ secrecy. It is consistent that you used your catchphrase “ad hominem attacks” and often accuse others of deflection when that is your modus operandi.
I never stated you used “woke in this string. Apparently you take no exception to other examples of untoward behavior. Facts in previous print are not reasonably challenged.
I referred to your use of woke in other Suburban Times articles in which others were referred to as the “woke left” in your “back and forth discourse.” The “woke military” was just an opinion you stated regarding a National Guard function when members and family shared cultural exchange with food and dance. Has nothing to do with CARES, but is just an example of your distaste for sharing ethnicity and the values of other Republicans, Independents or Democrats.
As for questioning improvements for the CP district – there are changes needed, but not necessarily ones specific or tailored for partisan goals. Some ideas Anderson and Wagemann brought forward will actually increase teacher workload and take away from classroom time. Your idea for the taping of the board meetings was excellent. It has opened the eyes of many unable to attend. I was able to visualize the increased partisan attack on the district – when it is a non-partisan organization.
I would rather focus on best practices for teaching and less administrative duties that plague educators. Ultimately though it was the covert manipulation, attacks and refusal for transparency that have blocked confidence in CARES intentions.
How may I ask is it “secrecy” when I and other CARES members have contributed 100+ articles/responses since 2021 in the Suburban Times regarding CPSD? We are quite open about what we stand for and what improvements we think CPSD needs.
That is not “covert” it’s “overt” for anyone to see. As with any other private organizations we protect the privacy of our members and internal discussions which also deal with issues other than CPSD. We are not an elected Board which is a public organization. There is a difference.
Thank you for admitting that CARES did have one excellent idea: video taping Board meetings. You and the rest of the public are beneficiaries. That was not a “covert” but rather “overt” attempt to increase the Board’s transparency. Perhaps you should look at our other ideas.
OK: what are those “best practices” that you mention? Put them out there for all to see. I’d gladly learn from you.
This is how constructive debate occurs.
I’m afraid it is a bit late to say that CARES is an open organization after countless ignored requests for information. Specifically Mr. Anderson, Mr Wagemann and yourself have continuously ignored any inquiry. Now that you have produced the great unveiling it does little to allay suspicion. When someone demands transparency of others, but then refuses to oblige it thwarts trust. This is underscored by some members behaviors in the community which includes lying, slander, divisive insults and overt misogyny, homophobia, racism or attack on anyone with a different opinion. I have seen your ideas and heard in school board meeting. They appear to based on board subservience and not actual methods to improve learning. The focus of your members on equity is based on race and not the needs of all children. Equity is a best practice and not exclusive to race. I have a child that would have greatly benefitted from enhanced opportunities which were not available. I don’t think I will engage with you here regarding best practice thoughts. Not deflection, but I’ve been previously attacked when I attempted discussion with members. I prefer engaging directly with educators and school board members and not a group that has more interest in political power than all children.
I agree with you that there should be “…….less administrative duties that plague educators.” That is exactly what CARES is supporting. Indeed proposals by Directors Anderson and Wagemann seek to lessen that “plague” by getting administration to do its job instead of dumping on teachers to “figure it out”. Every administration levy upon teachers must come with the necessary guidance and support so as not to compromise their ability to teach. Take a look at this excerpt from the Clover Park Education Association (CPEA…local teachers union) in its monthly May 2021 newsletter to its union members:
“ELL/Intervention/Resource: Interests and Issues discussion about the proposed push-in plan for next year. Thirty minutes in each classroom per day is not possible with the number of students needing services. How will this look with class capacity sizes?
What about ELL teachers who support more than 1 school? Common planning or release time should be provided on a regular basis. Training needs to be done as well with techniques and strategies for students. CPEA asked for teacher input from elementary school ELL/resource/intervention teachers, but district did not seem interested in discussing it with them.
Some schools have chosen to put ELL kids in the same class, creating classes of all white students and all BIPOC students (segregation?). The district has not been involved in making decisions, but telling teachers to “figure it out.” CPEA is placing a request that this be discussed further with a panel of actual staff members (not district office).”
So, now another opportunity for you to educate CARES and the public. What exactly are the “….administrative duties that plague educators” and what can we collectively do to eliminate them?
Be part of the discussion.
By the way Valerie the CPEA complaint about administrative overload I mentioned took place in May 2021; nearly 7 months BEFORE Director Anderson was elected to the Board. Prior to Director Anderson’s election, Director Wagemann had made many motions to cut back on administrative overload by getting administration to do their job instead of foisting it on teachers. However Director Wagemann was but one of five Board members, the other four of whom (Schafer, Person, Jacobs, Veliz) didn’t care enough to give his motions the courtesy of a second if nothing more than to discuss them. If there is anyone to blame for administrative overload it is these four Directors, three of whom (Pearson, Jacobs, Veliz) still serve on the Board, who routinely defeat common sense motions today by a 3 to 2 majority………….but at least with Director Anderson’s election they are getting a hearing. You can thank CARES for that.
Well there you have it.
Someone from the far left side of this “discussion” finally admits their position hinges on diversity and CRT.
Took a while to get to that “honesty”.
Teddy Roosevelt, who broke up the great monopolies of his day to give the people a shot at the American dream, said that immigration was welcome but assimilation was essential.
Those of us who have embraced the American Dream from concept to prosperity, appreciate the opportunity that it affords.
Had we sat around and bitched about how hard or unfair it would be, we never would have gotten started.
We have mentored many others of differing backgrounds into the great opportunity of being American.
If you play the lottery, and many or all of you do, then how can you disrespect such an opportunity as the American Dream?
Your culture belongs at home, along with your sexual exploits or other things best-kept private.
Your contribution belongs in public, where the emphasis should be a strong and prosperous, not confused and divided, nation.
The conservative message is just that, nothing nefarious or underhanded.
We truly want all able and contributing people to succeed so that they don’t fall into crime and despair.
A proper school foundation can play a huge role in achieving
that mindset for success.
With that accomplishment, there would be less tolerance for belligerence and sloth, and more capacity to care for those with true disability.
There are no perfect people, and there is no perfect system, but I know through experience that success comes to those who delay gratification, laying down foundation, and doing the hard work.
Walk away from the pity party and grab ahold of the true opportunity that is before you.
If our kids did that much, there would be no stopping them, and we could grow old in peace.
Valarie stated I prefer engaging directly with educators and school board members and not a group that has more interest in political power than all children.
If this is still your position please schedule a time to discuss your thoughts with me . Thank you and have a blessed day.