City of Lakewood announcement. The first meeting of May kicked off with six proclamation readings and recognition of Crane’s Creations 2.0 as the May 2023 Lakewood Business Showcase. Read the entire Council Corner by clicking here.
CPSD April 2023 Board Review
Clover Park School District announcement. April 10 Regular Meeting During its April 10 board meeting, the school board recognized staff members with 30 and 35 years of service to the district and heard a report from Superintendent Ron Banner. Superintendent’s ReportIn his report, Banner discussed student achievement and community engagement. Student Achievement Community Engagement As […]
Letter: When the Party is Over
When the party is over, he goes home and, on his threshold, he remembers his loss, and enters again into the shadow of his sorrow that darkens his path. “Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful,” reads the proverb. In this mortal life, joy and sorrow are strangely intermingled. There is no rose without a […]
Apply today for the Lakewood Police Citizens Academy
City of Lakewood announcement. The Lakewood Police Department is once again hosting its Citizens Academy, an eight-week opportunity for residents to learn more about the Lakewood Police Department. This annual course is held at the police station. Attendees will learn first-hand from Lakewood officers, detectives and command staff about their jobs in law enforcement. Weekly […]
Lakewood United: An Invitation and a “Thank You”
Lakewood United announcement. The public is invited to join us on Thursday, May 4th at 6:00 pm at Pierce College, Fort Steilacoom Campus, Olympic Bldg., Room 102. Guest Speaker: Julie A Manley White Ph.D., Chancellor and CEO of Pierce College District According to a recent economic impact study, each year Washington’s community and technical colleges, their […]
Pierce College Chancellor and CEO to speak at May 4 Lakewood United Meeting
Julie A. Manley White, Ph.D. was appointed Chancellor and CEO of Pierce College District in January, 2023. Prior to that, she served as President of Pierce College Fort Steilacoom starting July, 2019. White is proud to advocate locally, statewide and nationally for resources and partnerships to support students and employees. May 4th, 2023: Lakewood United […]
Letter: Fenced In By Loss
‘Fenced in’ by loss. A Sudden Halt to Business as Usual. Life as it was will never be the same. But there is a journey that still lies ahead. For once – and again, and again – we can see a future, a reason yet for being, a renewed purpose for living, we are set […]
Youth Firefighting Academy Scheduled for June 17-18
West Pierce Fire & Rescue announcement. West Pierce Fire & Rescue is hosting the 5th annual Youth Academy the weekend of June 17-18, 2023 and will be accepting applications May 1-12, 2023. This two-day program teaches teens interested in a career in the fire service about what it means to be a firefighter. The weekend […]
Help keep invasive species out of our parks
City of Lakewood announcement. We are looking to establish a team of volunteers to lead habitat restoration efforts in the city. This includes removing invasive species like blackberries, scotch broom and other non-native species from our parks. If you are interested in learning more, or helping lead these efforts, please email our Parks, Recreation and […]