Aggie was saddened when her grandmother died. She had planned to visit her, but things got in the way. She couldn’t recall what things, but she knew he had been lax and hadn’t pursued a visit even for a day or two. When they had visited last, years ago, Aggie had been in the third […]
Hilltop Neighborhood Walking Tour, August 14
Tacoma, WASH – Join us for the Hilltop Neighborhood Walk! Experience firsthand how the T-Link expansion, changing demographics, and new development projects are rapidly transforming the social and economic fabric of Tacoma’s historically Black neighborhood. Walk with us as we hear from local leaders and business owners about the successes Hilltop residents have achieved and the […]
The Global Race to Save Tigers
When Asian Forest Sanctuary Assistant Curator Erin gives a tiger keeper chat at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium, she often tells the crowd, “There are more people at the Zoo today than there are Sumatran tigers on the planet.” Sumatran tigers are vanishing from the wild at an astonishing pace. As few as 400 remain […]
Big Game – The Finnish Film Production
I was tired and by myself, just searching on TV I found “Big Game”. I thought it might be interesting and then I focused in on the real magnet that drew me even closer to the TV and the story. Once I saw that the film was produced in Finland I was hooked. I’ve never […]
Retail Display Design: A Retrospective
Retail Display Design: A RetrospectiveFriday, August 9 – 6:30pm Tacoma Historical Society Museum – 406 Tacoma Ave S Join Tacoma Historical Society for our August monthly program presented by former fashion stylist & prop designer, Karen McClain. Karen will be sharing her experiences as a window display designer for the Downtown Tacoma People’s store in […]
The Magic Tool
MaryAnne peeked out the front door window for the third time. There was a young black man sitting on the steps. He had been there for at least fifteen minutes. She was up and awake and had already planned out her Sunday morning . . . well, actually, it didn’t involve much more than looking […]
Who’s got talent in Pierce County? The search is on to help prevent youth violence
Pierce County Human Services’ (PCHS) Birth to 25 Initiative and The Griot Party are partnering for a Youth Talent Search to showcase the creativity of youth and young adults in our community. Pierce County residents ages 12 to 24 who can dance, make people laugh, rap, recite poetry, act, sing, play music, or showcase other […]
Agents of Discovery combines adventure, nature and history in Tacoma parks with free app
What do a honeybee, a blue heron and a river otter have in common? They’re all secret agents stationed across eight different Tacoma parks with a mission just for you. Using a smartphone or tablet, download the free Agents of Discovery app and experience your favorite parks in brand new ways. Agents of Discovery uses […]
Anna Zivarts & Tom Fucoloro Social & Book Event
Tacoma, Wash. – Join Downtown On the Go, The Urbanist, and friends for a two part book event with Anna Zivarts and Tom Fucoloro on Saturday August 3rd! Registration encouraged at Anna Zivarts is a low-vision parent, nondriver and author of When Driving Is Not an Option: Steering Away from Car Dependency (Island Press, 2024). Anna created the #WeekWithoutDriving challenge […]