Tacoma Community College announcement. Every spring, TCC partners with Tacoma’s Grand Cinema to explore and celebrate individual and cultural differences through film. The eleventh annual TCC Diversity Film Festival features films show on campus and at The Grand Cinema April 19 – May 17. All films are free with current TCC student ID. Find films, dates, times and […]
Come Walk a 5 KM or a 7 KM this Saturday
Submitted by Evergreen Wanderers Volkssport Club. Saturday, April 15, the Evergreen Wanderers, a local walking club, is hosting a walk in the Tacoma/Ruston area. There will be two loops. Loop #1 is a 5 KM route that goes south through the neighborhoods with unique gardens, a pioneer stone church, the Sherman block, and magnificent views […]
STILL: A Poetic Journey of Two Women
Tacoma Arts Live announcement. Tacoma Arts Live will premiere a newly devised play, STILL: A Poetic Journey of Two Women, a story of two sisters told through the poetry and writings of Dr. Maya Angelou and Emily Dickinson. The play opens with a preview night on Thursday, May 11 at 7:30 p.m. followed by three additional […]
Partial closure of Tacoma’s East 27th Street and Portland Avenue intersection April 14-17
Washington State Department of Transportation announcement. TACOMA – Travelers using the Portland Avenue and East 27th Street intersection in Tacoma will want to plan extra travel time the weekend of April 14-17. Atkinson Construction crews working for the Washington State Department of Transportation will close lanes in the intersection to replace an aging sewer pipe. […]
Screaming Butterflies Theater presents “Orlando” by Virginia Woolf
Screaming Butterflies announcement. Screaming Butterflies is pleased to present the third main-stage production since their founding; “Orlando” based on the novel by Virginia Woolf, and adapted by Sarah Ruhl. Performances will be held at Dukesbay Theater (508 South 6th Ave #10, Tacoma WA 98405), from May 12-28, Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30pm, Sundays at 2:00pm. Spanning […]
Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye – Excellent Storyline and Fun – Review
I had gone to bed early, wanting to get some sleep. Sleep didn’t come early, but as the clock approached ten, I was almost ready to get up and go back to my computer where I had work to do. I gave it one more chance and flipped through the channels and choices until one […]
Optimistic student wins essay contest
Submitted by West Tacoma Optimist Club. The West Tacoma Optimist Club awarded first place honors to Jane Aune for the 2023 Optimist International Essay Contest. Jane’s essay was forwarded to the Pacific Northwest District-Optimist International contest where she may win a $2,500 scholarship. Jane’s essay answered the international prompt “Who is an Everyday Hero that […]
Tacoma’s historic Union Station topic of museum program
Tacoma Historical Society announcement. Join us Friday at 6:30 at the THS Museum (406 Tacoma Avenue South, Tacoma, WA 98402) for our monthly program. Architects Jim Merritt and Jeff Ryan will discuss the restoration of Tacoma’s historic Union Station in 1989 and the restoration of the Northern Pacific Railway Headquarters. RSVP here: https://eventbrite.com/e/restoring-the-past-tickets-605157661857…
Community Invited to South Sound Sustainability Expo on April 22
City of Tacoma announcement. Celebrate everyday sustainability at the 15th Annual South Sound Sustainability Expo on Saturday, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event will take place at the University of Washington Tacoma campus (1900 Commerce St., in Tacoma), stretching along the Prairie Line Trail to Tollefson Plaza. The Expo is free, […]