Steilacoom High School Principal Jake Tyrrell announced today that Nora Agosto-Sungino has been named a Commended Student in the 2024 National Merit Scholarship Program. A Letter of Commendation from the school and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC®), which conducts the program, was presented by Mr. Tyrrell to this scholastically talented senior. About 34,000 Commended Students […]
Start Your October at the Squeeze
Steilacoom Historical Museum Association announcement. Apples are the theme at the Steilacoom Apple Squeeze. And the Squeeze is the place to indulge in various tastes of the apple. In addition to cider, an unfiltered, unsweetened drink made from pressed raw apples, the fruit will appear in various ways at the Squeeze. Featured will be apple […]
Thank You, Work Party Volunteers
Submitted by Nancy Henderson. Thank you, Alex Chaney, Ann Genn, Dan and Barb Szekely, Hugo and Jennifer Fischer, Kevin and Stephanie Riddle, and Dick Muri for your hard work at Sunday’s work party removing blackberry vines and other invasive plants from the area where last fall 75 trees were planted at the Chambers St entrance […]
Steilacoom Calendar 2024
Steilacoom Historical Museum Association announcement. The new Steilacoom Calendar 2024 will be debuted at the Steilacoom Apple Squeeze. Come to the Calendar and Membership Booth in front of Town Hall to take a look. Calendars will be $12 each or buy 4 for $40. After the Squeeze they will be sold at the Steilacoom Historical […]
Steilacoom Historical School District Board of Directors Vacancy
The Steilacoom Historical School District received a notice of resignation from Mr. Victor Hogan on September 19, 2023, leaving a Director Position 2 vacancy. The district is soliciting applications from residents who are interested in filling the unexpired term representing Position 2. Board positions are considered “at large” director positions; the requirement is that you […]
Steilacoom Town Administrator September 22 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s September 22 report to the Town Council by clicking here.
Farrell’s Mark Park Work Party, Sept. 24
Submitted by Nancy Henderson. With cooler temperatures and fall almost here, it is a great time for another volunteer work party. Seventy-three of the 75 trees we planted at the entrance to Farrell’s Marsh Park in November 2022 have survived this long, dry season thanks to Alex Chaney who periodically watered them. The cages have […]
Expect construction on Steilacoom-DuPont Road the week of Sept. 18
DUPONT – Next week, contractor crews working for the Washington State Department of Transportation will alternate traffic through a single lane on Steilacoom-DuPont Road near Station Drive in DuPont. The lane reduction allows Atkinson Construction to do land survey before construction begins on a roundabout south of Pendleton Avenue. Alternating traffic on Steilacoom-DuPont Road Flaggers will alternate […]
Steilacoom Town Administrator September 15 Report to Council
Read the Town of Steilacoom Administrator’s September 15 report to the Town Council by clicking here.