Steilacoom Historical Museum Association announcement.

The new Steilacoom Calendar 2024 will be debuted at the Steilacoom Apple Squeeze. Come to the Calendar and Membership Booth in front of Town Hall to take a look. Calendars will be $12 each or buy 4 for $40. After the Squeeze they will be sold at the Steilacoom Historical Museum, Coffee Cabin and The Bair.
Proceeds will benefit the Steilacoom Historical Museum.
The photos of 32 photographers are featured with images of the Steilacoom landscape, events, details and iconic views. Thanks to all photographers who submitted photos for consideration.
How can you get a photo in the next 2025 Calendar? Submit up to 5 high resolution photos to beginning in January. The contest will conclude at the end of July, 2024 for the 2025 issue. Remember only horizontally oriented photographs over 1 MB will be considered. It is best to transfer the photo to your computer and send in a large format to avoid photos that will pixilate in publication. Call the Museum at 584-4133 with any questions.
The following businesses took ads in the Calendar to help underwrite the cost of production. The Steilacoom Historical Museum appreciate the following: The Bair, Berry Dock Ice Cream Shop, Blu-Room Creative, Brenda Kelley at REMAX, Coffee Cabin, Custom Hardwood Floors, Dan Gibbon with Edward Jones, Delish Bakery, Norse & Sea, Quality Dentistry, Steilacoom Taproom, Topside Bar and Grill, VAZ Kitchen and Bath.