Do you remember specific dishes from your very early childhood? Some that you outgrew but still make, a little changed up? I can still taste the German pancakes my mother used to make when I was about four; we usually had them for lunch in our nursery, my mother, my brother, and I. Sprinkled with […]
Backstory: Sixty-fifth Mothers Day
A story on this morning’s news says that I could have kept the Stimulus check issued last week to my brother. I wrote in last week’s News Tribune column that the check was a big surprise because he died a year ago. Apparently, according to Nina Olson, executive director of the Center for Taxpayer Rights, […]
Vet Clinic, May ’20
New resources for military veterans… Coronavirus death rate among veterans continues to climb Another big boost for VA funding in latest federal budget deal VA extends financial, benefits and claims relief to Veterans Veterans groups step up efforts to help with coronavirus financial challenges and isolation Wounded Warrior Projects offers $10 million in coronavirus relief […]
Westside Story – Too Much Screen Time Causes Metamorphosis
I always wanted to be six feet tall, but I never made it. As tall as I ever got was 5’ 8 3/4,” which caused the Tacoma Police Department to reject me in 1966. They demanded I be 5’ 9” to become a TPD street cop. Then there was that crushing blow in high school […]
Westside Story – Stupidity Pandemic is More Prevalent Than Covid-19
This Tacoma Costco employee and customer hazard clearly demonstrate that the brain dead are not able to read and understand the fine print, nor do they understand the laws of physics. My recommendation to the manufacturer is to print the safety warning using much larger letters.
Westside Story – Closed Barber Hair Down To Knees
Our governor has taken many drastic actions in his effort to fight the spread of Covid-19, including closing our barbershops. That executive action has had what can only be termed an unintended consequence for me. My barber typically provides me with a private haircut in my home. With social distancing, even I have been missing […]
I ran for city council a few months ago. I planned to run for ONE TERM and restore citizen representation instead of endorsing career politics. The filing fee was $144. And if I were willing to bother people at home I would have won. Without knocking on a single door or making a call, I […]
Letter: “Are you watching me?”
“Grandma, watch me!” He’ll be demonstrating his dexterity as he fights off mobs of fun-loving zombies – 26 different types of zombies to be exact – as they attempt to invade the home. Absurdly, although perhaps not to a four-year-old, plants come to the rescue. Forty-nine zombie-zapping plants in fact. “Did you see that grandma? Are […]
A Drive-By to Remember
As the cars pulled around the corner from McNeil Street onto our circle, a lady in a nightie ran out onto the upstairs balcony of the second story condo, waving her hands and shouting, “NO! NO! Go back. He’s in the bathroom!” The cars made a second circle and when they came round again, the […]