Submitted by DuPont Community Garden Volunteers. The DuPont Community Garden is having a plant sale May 1st from 10:00 am until 1:00pm. There will be a large variety of plants and vegetable starts. All proceeds from the sale benefit the community garden and local food banks. The plant sale will be held at the community […]
To Do
Farrells Marsh Park Work Party April 8
STEILACOOM – We have an imminent opportunity to follow the CPTC Medical Histology students‘ inspiring example. Our next work party will be Thursday, 8 April, from noon to 2 pm in Farrells Marsh Park. We will meet at the Oak Dr. entrance to the park. A mountain of wood chips will be awaiting us. The […]
Spring Public Safety Academy Starts April 14
Want to know more about how your local police department has been trained to de-escalate difficult situations? Or how the UPPD partners with MultiCare to deal with calls that involve people with mental health issues? What about the pros and cons of police body cameras? What are some of the latest constitutional issues involving law […]
Help guide valued services at the Pierce County Library System
PIERCE COUNTY, Washington – Interested in helping guide the future of valued services at Pierce County Library System? Care about serving diverse communities? Apply to be a member of the Board of Trustees with the Pierce County Library System. “As a Trustee, I know first-hand how thoughtfully we oversee the public’s investment—your investment—in your Library System,” said Library […]
Artist/Sculptor and Author as Guests on Zoom Coffee Chat (and Change the World)
Artist and Sculptor James Anderson and Author Julia Goldstein will join Dorothy Wilhelm on April 5 (9 am) on her Zoom Coffee Chat (and Change the World) get-together. Meet artist / Sculptor James Anderson. You’ll be astonished at the story of this artist’s unique work. His sculptures echo the Armillary Sphere of the ancients. If you find […]
Steilacoom Garden Club Plant Sale May 8
Submitted by Sheila Moberg, President. The Steilacoom Garden Club will hold their annual plant sale on May 8, the day before Mother’s Day. There will be a variety of plants, to include: herbs, annuals, bulbs, perennials, ground covers, shrubs and more. All funds raised go to support the Steilacoom Garden Club activities: summer hanging baskets […]
March is Women’s History Month and the theme this year is ‘Choose to Challenge’
A very special program is planned for Coffee Chat and Change the World on Monday, March 22 at 9:00 am. We’ve had requests for stories to celebrate women in science. Artist/Author Jennifer Chushcoff will share her forthcoming picture book about Aquanaut Sylvia Earle, the first woman to serve as Chief Scientist at the National Oceanic and […]
Vet Clinic, Mar ’21
•You can help design VA’s future – •Calling all job seekers: Connect with VA recruiters at virtual open houses – •VA Launches New Platform to Send Veterans Personalized Notifications – •How Veterans Affairs Is Helping Rural Vets Get The COVID-19 Vaccine – •Wellness Wednesday: Program helps veterans who suffer from chronic […]
American Rescue Plan and the NW Vet
A recent press release from the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs detailed the highlights that vets will benefit from with the American Rescue Plan… •Increase claims and appeals processing to reduce the backlog caused by COVID-19: The pandemic has caused untold hardship across our country and has resulted in claims processing delays that slow delivery […]