STEILACOOM – We have an imminent opportunity to follow the CPTC Medical Histology students‘ inspiring example. Our next work party will be Thursday, 8 April, from noon to 2 pm in Farrells Marsh Park. We will meet at the Oak Dr. entrance to the park. A mountain of wood chips will be awaiting us.
The objective is to transfer the wood chips onto the Sisters Lake Trail. This is the first trail to the left off the Oak Dr. Trail. The activity will involve shoveling the chips into wheelbarrows and wheeling them to the trail, likely from two different directions. As this can be strenuous, a relay system might be in order. There will also be a need to rake the chips into place.

The Town will provide up to 6 wheelbarrows, but if you have one, it might be helpful to bring it along. The Town will also provide 3 wood chip pitchforks, several rakes, and gloves. You are always welcome to bring your own tools, gloves and water. Water and light refreshments will be on hand. It is easy to remain physically distanced in the park.
Together, we can move move mountains (of wood chips).
Questions? Nancy Henderson, 253-584-7284,