Submitted by BECU. In an effort to improve student financial well-being, the BECU Foundation awarded students its annual scholarships and BECU recently began its 12-week virtual summer internship program. A few additional facts: This year, the BECU Foundation awarded either $2,500 or $3,500 scholarships each to 25 full-time students, which are renewable for two years […]
Ask Me Anything about Masonry
A press release from the Parkland-Lakewood Masonic Lodge No. 299. Join us for an open session to introduce members of the community about our local “blue” lodge, Masonry, a.k.a. Freemasonry, a.k.a. “the Craft,” in general, and how we apply the virtues of brotherly love, relief, and truth, to help our surrounding community, the greater vicinity […]
Application for Lakewood’s 2022 Comprehensive Plan amendment cycle available
Changes to the Lakewood Comprehensive Plan, and some related changes to zoning code and development regulations, are allowable once per year under state law. As the first step in this process, the City of Lakewood invites interested parties to identify proposed changes. Afterward, the Lakewood Planning Commission and then City Council will review and confirm […]
Strickland and Northwest Carpenters Hold Labor Roundtable, Hear from Local Apprentices on the Need to Invest in Infrastructure and Create Jobs
A press release from Office of Rep. Marilyn Strickland. On Thursday July 15, Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) and the Northwest Carpenters Union held a roundtable discussion at the Northwest Carpenters Institute of Washington (NWCI) DuPont Training Centerwith labor leaders and workers on the need to support South Sound workers and working families, make child care more […]
The Pierce Transit CTAG July 22 Meeting Agenda
The Pierce Transit CTAG will hold a Regular Meeting on July 22 (5:30 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Pierce County COVID-19 data update confirmed July 20
On July 20, our 14-day case rate per 100,000 for June 28- July 11 is 82.7. The 14-day case rate offers the most reliable look at COVID-19 disease burden on Pierce County. Our hospitalization rate is currently 2.7 per 100,000. Today we confirmed 67 COVID-19 cases and 2 deaths: A woman in her 50s from […]
Obituary Notices – July 21, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Yevhen V. Russu; Ferne Ladelle Chapman; Mildred Ann Stebbins. Mountain View Funeral Home: Ronald Dean Angell; James M. Foss MD; Joan Harrelson; Arthur Leroy Massey; Mary A. Peterson; Leona Baskett Turosik. Fir Lane Memorial Park: Lyle G “Buz” Murphy; Francisco Rodrigues Taimanglo.
Sheriff’s Department wants help locating Rose Shilko
Via the Pierce County Sheriff’s Departments Twitter: “Pierce County Sheriff’s Detectives need your help locating Rose Shilko, who was last seen in downtown Tacoma on July 4, 2021. Rose has mental health concerns that may prevent her from caring for herself. Rose is 39 years old, 5’11” 125lbs. If you see Rose, please call 911.”
Installing overhead catenary wires on Martin Luther King Jr. Way from S. 19th to S. 15th this week
A press release from Sound Transit. Crews will start installing the catenary wires over both sets of tracks along the route, starting on Martin Luther King Jr. Way from S. 19th Street to S. 15th Street this week. First crews will install the spans on the Link power poles on both sides of the street […]