Submitted by Kiwanis of Clover Park and Lakes High School Skills USA Club. Once again Kiwanis of Clover Park has partnered with Lakes High Skills USA Club to invite the community to our 14th Annual Cops vs Teachers Charity Basketball game. This year we are supporting 11-year-old Janine Hope Dungca. This is a donation only […]
Home Buyer Education Class
Submitted by Katie Arnold. A free home buyer education class (February 11 from 10 am-4 pm) sponsored by the Washington State Housing Finance Commission and can potentially qualify you for up to 5% in down payment assistance. Come learn about the home buying process start to finish. Instructors: Register now by emailing The class […]
City of Tacoma and Pierce County Partner to Provide Access to Data on Community Disparities
City of Tacoma announcement. TACOMA, Wash. – The City of Tacoma and Pierce County have collaborated to create a second version of the Equity Index, an interactive mapping tool initially launched by the City in 2018 to visually highlight disparities across Tacoma. In addition to a freshly updated Tacoma Equity Index that now includes the […]
Hearing: Pierce Transit Fare Amendment Proposal
Pierce Transit announcement. A Public Hearing will be held as part of the Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting on Monday, February 13, 2023. The Board meeting begins at 4:00 p.m. and members of the public may attend the meeting in person or virtually through Zoom. The purpose of this hearing is to receive public comment […]
Obituary Notices – February 3, 2023
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Janice Marie Shinafelt. Gaffney Funeral Home: Brenda Kathleen Davis. Scott Funeral Home: Charon Pauley; Jamie Churchhill Gibbs.
Letter: Improving Academic Rigor Requires Understanding Student Experience
Submitted by Dana Kelleher. There was much discussion at the Clover Park School Board’s January meeting about academic rigor. I sense that there is a perceived division between those who think academics should be the only, or highest priority for the district and those who think success in school encompasses more than academics. I propose […]
County Aging and Disability Resources Free Film Series
Pierce County social media post. Pierce County Aging and Disability Resources is hosting a series of films for caregivers and caretakers! Admission is free. Join us for the next film, The Upside, at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 11 at The Grand Cinema. Reserve your tickets online:
New Tax Credit Provides Eligible Working Washingtonians Up to $1,200 Annually
City of Tacoma announcement. TACOMA, Wash. – The City of Tacoma joins the Working Families Tax Credit Coalition in announcing the launch of the Working Families Tax Credit, a historic program from the Washington State Department of Revenue designed to provide eligible individuals and families across Washington state cash payments of $50 – $1,200 per year. Eligibility details are […]