City of Tacoma announcement.
TACOMA, Wash. – The City of Tacoma and Pierce County have collaborated to create a second version of the Equity Index, an interactive mapping tool initially launched by the City in 2018 to visually highlight disparities across Tacoma. In addition to a freshly updated Tacoma Equity Index that now includes the latest Census information, the Pierce County Equity Index has launched to evaluate inequities in all of Pierce County.
With broader access to community-related data, both the Tacoma Equity Index and the Pierce County Equity Index seek to empower public and private sector decision-makers to address disparities measurably and intentionally.
“The Tacoma Equity Index has been a primary tool for us over the last five years, helping ensure we are making data-informed decisions that improve livability for all community members across our city,” said Tacoma Mayor Victoria Woodards. “We are so pleased that Pierce County has decided to partner with us to take these efforts countywide.”
“We are pleased to build upon the lessons learned by our partners at the City of Tacoma as we launch a Pierce County-focused equity index,” said Pierce County Executive Bruce Dammeier. “The new index will be a valuable tool in understanding the impacts of public investments and focusing them to better serve our community as a whole.”
Additional information regarding the Tacoma Equity Index is available at Questions or requests for information in an alternate format on the Tacoma Equity Index can be directed to City of Tacoma Strategic Initiatives Coordinator Chelsea Talbert at or (253) 337-7066.
Additional information regarding the Pierce County Equity Index is available here. Questions or requests for information in an alternate format on the Pierce County Equity Index can be directed to Pierce County Assistant Director for Budget and Performance Julie Demuth at or (253) 798-8534.
I am so ashamed of the city of my birth! How did we get here, this woke trash dominates the news and our lives! Celebrate those on the dole who refuse to work, tax the few in this city that work!
Mr. Harrison. Every time I read a positive letter or article about Tacoma or Lakewood or the school district I see a negative mean spirited (and unhelpful) comment from you. You are apparently a very unhappy joyless person. So sorry you can’t see positives all around you.
Very very woke, truth makes one unhappy and joyless. Work makes me happy, try it!
Equity of opportunity yes, although that is terribly manipulated these days.
Equity of outcome no.
That is communism, where most wait in line for an equal share while the administrators live large.
We have an established system in place that rewards those who try hard.
Why is that now not good enough?
It’s because government has assumed an outsized role in determining things like truth, equity, and everything else it pokes it’s nose into.
A person who busts their ass making a living and paying bills and taxes is not equal to someone who does not yet is compensated through redistribution through government interference.
Change my mind.
Vote an ye shall receive.