Washington State Department of Transportation announcement. If the weather cooperates, crews working for the Washington State Department of Transportation will try again to install final lane markings on the Interstate 5 exits and on-ramps at South 56th Street in Tacoma. Upcoming overnight work means travelers will need to plan to help prevent delays. Weather permitting, […]
Read with Daffodil royalty
Pierce County Library System social media post. Hear ye, hear ye! Daffodil royalty will appear at your Pierce County Libraries starting Saturday, April 29 at 11 a.m. Check the calendar to find your chance to share storytime with a Princess. http://mypcls.org/calendar
RFQ: Cirque Park Community Center Feasibility and Site Plan Study
City of University Place announcement. The City of University Place, Washington is seeking qualified consultants for a community center feasibility and site plan study for a 100,000 square foot area located at Cirque Park. This area has been identified in the City’s Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan and the Cirque Park Master Plan as […]
Help preserve the beloved ‘Lakewood Shops’ sign
Submitted by Tim Marsh, Lakes High School Class of 1966. Does the beloved ‘Lakewood Shops’ sign on Gravelly Lake Drive in Lakewood deserve to be preserved? If Potlatch, Latah County, Idaho, can save a sign, so could Lakewood, Pierce County, Washington. The Lewiston (Idaho) Tribune says the Potlatch Historical Society is repairing a 1950s neon Carter’s Log […]
Walking on Sunshine, family fun run
City of DuPont announcement. Have some fun in the sun at the Pioneer Middle School track on June 17 at 11:00am. Bring the whole family to walk/run the track. The more laps you do, the more raffle tickets you get! Put your raffle tickets toward the prize of your choosing. Raffles prizes will be awarded at […]
Grayson Nottage ‘23 prepares to become a teacher who excites students about science
By Grant Hoskins ’23, PLU Marketing & Communications Student Writer Grayson Nottage ’23 has wanted to become a middle school science teacher ever since she was a middle school science student. She admired many of her own science teachers, and aspires to become the sort of educator that inspires and excites students about science. Next […]
Klahowya at Fort Nisqually
Metro Parks Tacoma announcement. Join the Fort Nisqually Living History Museum Saturday, April 29 (11 am-4 pm) for our first living history event of 2023! Klahowya means ‘Welcome’ in Chinook Jargon. Get to know the Fort with hands-on activities, crafts demonstrations and more. Hands-on activities will include: Click here to purchase tickets. Event admission is […]
CPSD Staff Spotlight: Flor Lewis
A Clover Park School District story. Our CPSD Staff Spotlight this week features Open Doors Youth Engagement Program career resource counselor Flor Lewis. This is Flor’s second year at Open Doors. Flor was initially hired as a health clerk, but the position as a career resource counselor opened on her first day. Flor immediately decided to […]
Play and Dream the World You Want in Utopian Garden
Tacoma Arts Live announcement. TACOMA, WASH. — A world premiere exhibit arrives from Berlin at Tacoma Armory, following the success of Imagine Van Gogh. Tacoma Arts Live has commissioned this dynamic interactive experience in partnership with one of the world’s most visionary design studios, flora&faunavisions. Find yourself at the intersection of art, science, and nature; […]