Everest continues his adventures from his previous crimes and visits the forensics lab while he waits for trial. Our forensic investigators take Everest through a variety of different forensic tests to determine if this pup is innocent or not. I think Everest knows he will not be getting out of this one. We will see […]
K9 Bronco vs. Naked Guy
On 08-11-2024, deputies attempted to contact a male sleeping in a stolen F550 and he fled leading deputies on a pursuit into King County. Washington State Patrol took over the pursuit which headed into Snohomish County before he went south to Seattle, crashed and fled on foot. He left his 4-yr-old son and girlfriend behind […]
Tacoma/ Pierce County Crime Stoppers MOST WANTED
We need your help to catch these criminals. Crime Stoppers wants to spread the word to help solve these cases from the Tacoma and Pierce County Areas. Watch to see if you recognize any of these suspects. We are trying to find an armed robbery crew, a semi-truck from a hit and run, and a […]
UP Deputies Assist in Capturing I-5 Shooting Suspect
At 11:09 pm on Monday, September 2nd, our University Place Deputies were dispatched to assist Washington State Patrol with trying to contact a shooting suspect from multiple shootings on I-5. Deputies arrived at the possible suspect home at 8500 22nd St W. They checked for his vehicle but it was not in the area. At […]
K9 Eddie’s Final Call
At 12:09 pm, on Thursday August 15th, our deputies responded to an armed robbery at Saars Market on 133rd and Pacific Ave S. Deputies arrived on scene and were told two male suspects stole alcohol and when confronted a physical fight started and the suspects bear sprayed the employees and bystanders before fleeing in a […]
Do You Know When to Stop For a School Bus?
You will be seeing a lot of school buses on the road as school starts this week. It’s a good time to review when you should stop for a school bus. The most common misunderstanding is when there is a center turn lane, and vehicles are traveling in the opposite direction, you do not need […]
Friday Ride #6
Deputy Cappetto is back to show us what’s going on in South Hill Patrol in August. Watch as she stops in on a welfare check, a domestic violence call, an unwanted person and a burglary in progress.
Everest Gets Booked into the Pierce County Jail
You may remember last week’s episode of Everest getting arrested for malicious mischief. On his next adventure, Everest takes us into the jail for a quick look at what the booking process looks like. For last week’s episode, check our Blotter! Another Everest Adventure – Pierce County Sheriff’s Department Blotter (piercecountywa.gov)
Another Everest Adventure
Everest the wellness dog wants to share a dose of cuteness since it’s been a busy week! He denies tearing up his squeaky toy but will take this opportunity to tour us in the jail next. This is for all the dog lovers out there that “get it”.