Submitted by Partners for Parks. LAKEWOOD – We are delighted to announce our community has come together and raised $2.1 million towards our $3.5 million objective for private sector support of the Fort Steilacoom Park H-Barn Project. Let’s keep the momentum going! We want to express our gratitude to those who have made this progress possible. Thank […]
Partners for Parks campaign tops $2 million in Community Support
LAKEWOOD — Partners for Parks is pleased to announce they have received a $350,000 capital grant from the Norcliffe Foundation. Partners for Parks is deeply grateful for this extraordinary grant and vote of confidence taking fundraising for the H-Barn Project at Fort Steilacoom Park to more than $2 million in gifts and multi-year pledges. […]
Partners for Parks Launches Awareness Events for the H-Barn Restoration Project
LAKEWOOD — Partners for Parks is building awareness and making its case for support through a series of small group gatherings with community leaders, neighbors and park enthusiasts interested in the H-Barn restoration project at Fort Steilacoom Park. The small gatherings are designed to grow community awareness and donor support for this exciting project, and […]
Partners for Parks Announces Campaign Leadership Team for H-Barn Restoration Project
Partners for Parks is pleased to announce its campaign leaders for the H-Barn project, a public-private partnership with the City of Lakewood to preserve and renovate a 120-year-old barn complex at Fort Steilacoom Park. These individuals were selected based upon the belief that the motivating force behind any successful appeal is leadership by persons recognized […]
Partners for Parks Announces $1 Million Grant for H-Barn Project
Partners for Parks announcement. Partners for Parks is pleased to announce a $1 million project grant from the Names Family Foundation in support of the H-Barn restoration project at Fort Steilacoom Park, a 350+ acre historic area in Lakewood, WA. The H-Barn Project is an innovative public-private partnership between the City of Lakewood and […]
Partners for Parks Announces Historic H-Barn Restoration Project
Partners for Parks announcement. One of Lakewood’s most historic buildings, the H-Barn at Fort Steilacoom Park, is preparing to undergo a major restoration designed to benefit the entire Lakewood community and beyond. Partners for Parks, a nonprofit focused on enhancing the quality of life for Lakewood residents, is launching a fundraising project to support a $7.5 million […]