TACOMA, Wash. – South 45th Street – between South Thompson Avenue and South K Streets – are scheduled to close for maintenance July 8-15 through the Residential Street Restoration Program. This work is weather-dependent, and timing may be subject to change. Community members
City Continues to Support Residents as Temperatures Climb into the 90s
TACOMA, Wash. – With temperatures anticipated to rise into the 90s for several days starting Sunday, July 7, the City of Tacoma’s Neighborhood and Community Services Department will continue to deploy outreach teams and volunteers to provide unsheltered individuals with access to water and masks. Cooling centers will also open throughout Tacoma. The City of […]
July 16 Workshop on Doing Business With the City of Tacoma
TACOMA, Wash. — As part of its ongoing work to address disparities for historically underutilized businesses owned by minorities, women, and socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, the City of Tacoma’s Equity in Contracting (EIC) team is hosting a workshop on doing business with the City of Tacoma. The workshop will be conducted in a hybrid […]
Residents Encouraged to Prepare as Temperatures Rise
TACOMA, Wash. – With temperatures in the high 80s and low 90s anticipated starting July 5, the City of Tacoma is encouraging residents to prepare for the heat. Residents are also encouraged to keep an eye on older adults, people with health concerns and children in their households, as these individuals are at a greater […]
This weekend and beyond
Click here to learn more about any of the following events.
Traffic impacts for Tacoma Summer Blast begin July 3
Drivers in Tacoma’s north end should expect parking restrictions and road closures related to Summer Blast on July 3 and 4. On July 3, the gated lots at Dune Peninsula, Cummings, Les Davis and Jack Tanner parks along Ruston Way will remain locked and closed for event set up including stage and tent construction and […]
Free summer lunch for kids starts July 1
Submitted by Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital. With school letting out kids lose access to free or reduced-price meals, leaving many parents struggling to meet nutritional needs. As many as 13 million children in the United States face food insecurity, or lack of access to adequate food, reports No Kid Hungry. Since 2019, Mary Bridge Children’s has […]
Zoo Temporarily Caring for Abandoned Kinkajou
The kinkajou found abandoned at a rest stop on June 23 in Yakima underwent a comprehensive wellness exam this week at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium, where he is temporarily living. Head Veterinarian Dr. Karen Wolf says he is in fair health overall, but is very thin, weighing only 2.5 pounds. Male kinkajous typically weigh […]
Gardens Galore
When you envision a day trip to Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium, you may imagine meeting the playful polar bear sisters, exploring the newly reopened Tropical Reef Aquarium, or taking a spin on the antique carousel, a bag of cotton candy in hand. You may not realize there is a world of other adventures and […]