Tacoma Arts Live press release. TACOMA, WASH. — As part of Tacoma Beer Week, Tacoma Arts Live returns with Brew Five Three: Tacoma’s Beer & Music Festival this Saturday, August 6, 2022 from 1:00 – 8:00 p.m. The festival will pop up on Broadway between 9th & 11th in downtown Tacoma and features 35+ Pacific Northwest beers, ciders, and food vendors with live […]
I-5 HOV lanes through Tacoma opening in August
Washington State Department of Transportation announcement. This is it. The moment we’ve all been waiting for. The opening of the HOV lanes on Interstate 5 through Tacoma will happen in late August. It’s a surreal moment for us too. Over the past three years you’ve hung in there with us through work zones, shifted lanes, […]
The Angel Levine with Zero Mostel and Harry Belafonte – Review
My parents bought a motel (La Casa) in Ponders Corner in 1958 when I was 13. Within a year or so I was working around the motel and even renting rooms. Our motel was the closest one to Fort Lewis. When left alone to run the motel I would get any needed change at a […]
Sound Credit Union Announces Their 2022 Scholarship Recipients
Sound Credit Union press release. TACOMA, WA – Sound Credit Union (Sound) is pleased to announce their 2022 scholarship recipients. This year, Sound awarded $20,000 in scholarships to students who are continuing their education. Students recognized through this program were graduating high school seniors as well as adults who applied for Sounds “Continuing Your Education” […]
Summer Bash and Outdoor Moving at STAR Center
Metro Parks Tacoma announcement. Metro Parks Tacoma is hosting Summer Bash on Friday, August 5, 2022 at STAR Center (3873 S 66th St, Tacoma, WA). Activities begin at 5 pm. Luca, rated PG will play at dusk. Pack your snacks, blankets and lawn chairs and head to the park for a free outdoor movie for […]
Downtown Tacoma’s Summer Concerts Kick Off on Wednesday
Submitted by Downtown Tacoma Partnership. Celebrate summer in the heart of Tacoma with free live music and more at Sound Bites Summer Concert Series presented by the Downtown Tacoma Partnership. Each Wednesday throughout the month of August, visitors can enjoy outdoor concerts with musical artists curated by ALMA, food from your favorite local restaurants and […]
Salishan Storyfest to collect and celebrate stories of historic Eastside neighborhood
Tacoma Public Library press release. TACOMA, WASH.— Tacoma Public Library and community partners invite community members with ties to the Salishan and greater Eastside to the Salishan Storyfest on Saturday, Aug. 13 from 10 a.m to 2 p.m. at the Salishan Family Investment Center at 1744 E 44th Street. The event invites attendees to: Record their story […]
Video: Inside Tacoma, July 29
City of Tacoma video. The July 28, 2022, show will start with Inside Insights, where this segment will highlight the City’s budget process. In the second segment, Inside Interview, our co-hosts will talk with Neighborhood and Community Services Department staff, including the Homeless Engagement Alternatives Liaison (HEAL) Manager. The show will close out with the […]
Weekly Construction Update: Traffic control impacts and night work along the Hilltop Tacoma Link project
Sound Transit announcement. Construction activities are occurring throughout the Hilltop Link Extension project area that include crews continuing to finish the roadway restoration, working on station finishes, adjusting utilities, paint striping on the street, systems testing, installing crosswalks in various locations along the Hilltop Tacoma Link project area. Work is scheduled to start on Monday, […]