City of Tacoma social media post. Are you interested in being Tacoma’s next Poet Laureate? Learn more & apply by Jan. 30 at Literary artists producing poetry in any form, genre, or style across Pierce County are encouraged to apply!
North 21st Street Bridge Maintenance Scheduled January 25-26
City of Tacoma announcement. The City of Tacoma’s Street Operations Division will perform maintenance on the North 21st Street Bridge (located between North Fife and North Oakes streets) on Wednesday, January 25, and Thursday, January 26, from 7:30 AM to 5 PM each day. During this timeframe, the bridge will be restricted to one lane of travel […]
Letter: Government Neglect/Waste (Tacoma Fire Department)
I have written before about governmental agencies being poor stewards of our tax dollars. Here is continued example on this very topic. Over 7 years ago, when I still lived in Tacoma, I wrote a Letter to the Editor of the Tribune, about a historic building owned by Tacoma Fire Dept. Along with the letter, […]
Tidy-Up Tacoma was busy in 2022
City of Tacoma announcement. Tidy-Up Tacoma numbers are in and our crews were busy in 2022! From May-Dec., we picked up 17,000+ lbs of garbage & 28,000+ lbs of vegetation and we’re going out again in 2023 to continue this work. To view the 2023 schedule & cleanup locations, visit
Bates Technical College’s Dental Assisting program earns re-accreditation
Bates Technical College announcement. Tacoma — The Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) recently reaffirmed accreditation for Bates Technical College’s Dental Assisting program after a thorough site visit. “Maintaining full CODA accreditation for our program ensures the students are engaging in a program that has met the standards national in scope and represents the minimum skills to become an integral part of a dental team,” said […]
LeMay – America’s Car Museum’s New Exhibit Brings 75 Years of Iconic Automotive History to the Museum
LeMay – America’s Car Museum announcement. This year marks a milestone for one of the world’s most distinguished automotive manufacturers. Porsche is celebrating their 75th anniversary in 2023, and to pay homage to this incredible feat, LeMay – America’s Car Museum is celebrating with the unveiling of their newest exhibit “Porsche at 75.” Porsche at 75 […]
Tacoma Housing Authority Breaks Ground on Housing Hilltop Affordable Housing Project
Pierce County Council announcement. Council Chair Ryan Mello (District 4) joined Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (D-WA 10th District) and Congressman Derek Kilmer (D-WA 6th District) at the Housing Hilltop Groundbreaking Ceremony, Friday, Jan. 20. Housing Hilltop is an affordable housing project from the Tacoma Housing Authority (THA) that will bring 231 affordable housing units to Tacoma’s […]
Popular Wearable Art Sale returns to in-person for its 29th year, continues support of YWCA
Submitted by Shari Tyler. The 29th annual RAGS Wearable Art Sale and Gallery Competition will take place March 10–12, 2023. The weekend begins with a ticketed Gala preview event on Thursday, March 9. Since 1994, in support of YWCA Pierce County’s domestic violence programs and services, RAGS has: Beautiful jewelry, creative clothing, and distinctive accessories from more than 60 artists of local, regional, and national acclaim are offered for […]
Medicare Advantage Keeps Seniors Healthy
Submitted by Dan Telford, Senior Caregiver, Tacoma. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated that quality health care and comprehensive coverage have never been more important, especially for our community’s seniors. This year, inflation adds another stress point to many over 65 years old and live on fixed income like my family. They are a good deal, Medicare […]