Tacoma’s Lauren Herren was named to the President’s Honor Roll at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas. Undergraduates who have achieved a perfect 4.0 grade point average in all work attempted while enrolled in not less than 12 semester hours meet the honor roll standard.
Carmina Burana Performed by Tacoma City Ballet
Tacoma, WA – On February 11th and 12th at 2:00 pm in the Pantages Theater, the Tacoma City Ballet in collaboration with Tacoma Opera will perform Carmina Burana. This cantata, composed in 1936 by Carl Orff, is composed of poems and songs written by 13th Century Benedictine Monks. Joining Tacoma City Ballet Company Dancers is […]
Board of Health elects Ushka, Hitchen to lead
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department announcement. Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department’s Board of Health members voted Wednesday for Catherine Ushka as Board Chair and Jani Hitchen as Vice Chair. This is the first time women will fill both Board leadership positions simultaneously. “Catherine and Jani share a passion for public health that is inspiring,” Director of Health […]
A Celebration of the Human Spirit and the Joy of Cooking – Po Boy Tango Review
Po Boy Tango is the story of Richie Po, an immigrant from Taiwan. His TV cook mother, still in Taiwan, has died and he wants to honor her with a traditional Chinese Great Feast. A decade ago, Gloria had been hired to help care for Richie’s cancer-stricken daughter, Emma, and nurtured both of them throughout […]
Project Homeless Connect resource fair returning to Tacoma Jan. 27
Associated Ministries announcement. Hundreds of people experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless will be connected to crucial services at a “resource fair” on Friday, January 27, in Tacoma. Project Homeless Connect (PHC) will operate between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm at St. Leo Parish, 710 S. 13th Street in Tacoma. The DSHS mobile unit […]
Love Songs for Valentine’s Day at Slavonian Hall
Classical Tuesdays in Old Town Tacoma announcement. Join us on Valentine’s Day! Love Songs across the Centuries & Continents Soprello (soprano Allison Pohl and cellist Alistair MacRae) in Concert. Tuesday February 14th at 7:00pm at Slavonian Hall, Old Town Tacoma FREE Soprello’s Concert of Love Songs will include works by Purcell, Bach, Mozart, and Schumann, […]
Dancing Goats Tacoma turns 1
Submitted by Krista Bentow. Stop by our café (2102 Commerce Street, Tacoma, WA 98402) and be entered to win some beans or other raffle prizes in celebration of our 1 year anniversary. We’re located in the Brewery Blocks development (2102 Commerce Street, Tacoma, WA 98402) next to Camp Colvos brewing and would love to meet […]
Making A Difference Foundation Receives Grant from Liberty Mutual Foundation
Making a Difference Foundation announcement. Making A Difference Foundation (MADF) has been awarded an inflation grant in the amount of $5,000 from Liberty Mutual Foundation. Liberty Mutual Foundation recognizes that over the past few years nonprofit partners and the entire economy have been impacted by the high rate of inflation. The Foundation’s Board of Directors […]
Testing, restoration and final touches continue
Sound Transit announcement. Construction and testing are happening throughout the Hilltop Tacoma Link Extension project area. This includes crews continuing roadway restoration and station finishes, adjusting utilities, striping paint on the street, testing systems, installing crosswalks, and cutting decorative sidewalks in various locations. The contractor is also working on final checklist items, which come up […]