Asia Pacific Cultural Center announcement. Record crowds packed the Tacoma Dome Exhibition Hall (February 25, 2023) for a day filled with lively dance and music, exciting martial arts, interesting vendors, hands-on arts and crafts, delicious food, and all things Asia Pacific. Every year, APCC is so very pleased to be able to offer this free, […]
Tacoma-based nonprofit, RAIN Incubator launches innovative new lecture series
Submitted by RAIN Incubator. This week, Tacoma-based biotech incubator, RAIN, announced the launch of the ‘Not Covered Lecture Series.’ Kendra Lopez, RAIN’s Marketing Director, said the series would dive into topics not usually covered in traditional scientific education. Topics include food science, skincare chemistry, a deep dive into microplastics and more. The first lecture in […]
Testing, restoration, rail grinding and final touches continue through March and April
Sound Transit announcement. Construction and testing are happening throughout the Hilltop Tacoma Link Extension project area. Crews are continuing the roadway restoration and station finishes, adjusting utilities, testing systems, and repairing damages to the concrete and rail along the alignment. Also, the contractor is working on final checklist items, which come up at the end […]
Mayor Victoria Woodards to Present 2023 State of the City at Mount Tahoma High School March 16
City of Tacoma announcement. Mayor Victoria Woodards will present the 2023 State of the City Address at the Mount Tahoma High School Auditorium (4634 S. 74th St. in Tacoma) on Thursday, March 16, at 6:30 PM. This year’s theme is Building Tomorrow Together. Topics covered during her address will include community safety, affordable housing and […]
Fun evening of Musical Theater Songs
Classical Tuesdays in Old Town Tacoma announcement. Join us on March 14 as we conclude our 17th season. Puget Sound Concert Opera will delight us with Songs from Musical Theater! Tuesday March 14th at 7:00pm at Slavonian Hall, Old Town Tacoma FREE to all; donations are very much appreciated to sustain this series! The Dueling […]
Plan for I-5 and SR 7 daytime ramp closures in Tacoma March 14-16
Washington State Department of Transportation announcement. TACOMA – Daytime travelers who use Interstate 5, I- 705, and State Route 7in Tacoma will want to build extra time into their trips. Washington State Department of Transportation maintenance teams are coordinating a multi-crew effort for stormwater system cleaning, sweeping, litter control and graffiti removal along ramps near […]
TCC to present Fly Away Home, March 15
Tacoma Community College announcement. The TCC Chamber Choir and Singers are proud to present FLY AWAY HOME, our winter quarter concert. We will feature music in diverse languages including Hawaiian, Hungarian, Indonesian as we celebrate the joys of flight. This concert will feature vocal jazz, student solos, and student speakers. Please join us! The concert […]
Project update: Tacoma Dome Link Extension
Sound Transit announcement. Want to learn more about TDLE (Tacoma Done Link Extensions) project updates?Join us for our informational drop-in session to ask questions, get updates and learn about next steps. To learn more about the potential new route and station alternatives in Fife and South Federal Way, you may also visit now through March 17. […]
Rabbits From Massive Confiscate Now Available for Adoption
Submitted by Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County. The 246 confiscated rabbits that came to the Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County from a Puyallup property on Feb. 16 are becoming available for adoption. To help boost adoptions, all bunny adoption fees at the shelter are reduced to $25 from March 10 – […]