The Puget Sound Chapter of the National Defense Transportation Association (NDTA) and U.S. Transportation Command are sponsoring (a day-long Leadership Academy with the overarching theme Preparedness and Partnership) An Introduction to Transportation and Logistics on August 16, 2023, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Tacoma Yacht Club, 5401 Yacht Club Road, Tacoma WA […]
APCC is Temporarily Moving
Asia Pacific Cultural Center announcement. We are thrilled to announce that Asia Pacific Cultural Center (APCC) is embarking on an exciting new chapter as we temporarily move from our current location to 3513 East Portland Avenue, Tacoma, WA 98404, effective May 31, 2023. We are eagerly starting the process of building our dream facility, which […]
Tacoma Streetcars
Tacoma Historical Society announcement. Friday, June 9th @ 6:30pmTacoma Historical Society Museum – 406 Tacoma Avenue South Presented by Mike Bergman, President of the National Railway Historical Society Tacoma Chapter. Join Tacoma Historical Society for our June monthly program presented by the President of the National Railway Historical Society’s Tacoma Chapter, Mike Bergman. Mike will […]
Updated Tacoma Downtown Link Extension online open house
Sound Transit announcement. On March 23, the Sound Transit Board identified new route alternatives and station options for the Tacoma Dome Link Extension. These included additional route alternatives with associated stations in South Federal Way and station options in Fife for study in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. To bring these additions up to the […]
TCC Titans baseball team sets record for wins
Tacoma Community College social media post. Titans finish the year setting a program record for wins in a single season with 44 wins.
Tribe grant protects youth from tobacco
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department announcement. The Puyallup Tribe of Indians awarded Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department a 1-year, $609,711 grant to help reduce tobacco use among our residents. That amount is up from the already generous $158,664 the Tribe awarded last year. Tobacco is the top cause of preventable death and disease in Pierce County, the […]
A Third Time Is a Definite Charm for an Absolute Winner Lunch
Originally, my friend Donn called and suggested we meet for lunch at Flying Sushi on the south side of the Westgate Shopping Center on Tacoma’s Pearl Street. Flying Sushi was brand new and the owner and her fellow workers were doing everything they could do to welcome customers. The first time we ate lunch there, […]
Tacoma Urban League to host State of Black Tacoma, May 31
Tacoma Urban League announcement. Join the Tacoma Urban League as we lay out the GAINS, GAPS, and OPPORTUNITIES for GROWTH for Black Tacoma, and look for examples of success and guidance on how you can take action. Topics will include education, employment, violence, housing, healthcare and more! Register now to receive the link to watch the May 31 (12 pm) […]
Road Work Restricts Inside Northbound Lane of Pacific Avenue June 1-2
City of Tacoma announcement. The City of Tacoma’s Street Operations Division will perform road maintenance on the inside northbound lane of Pacific Avenue between South 30th and South 27th streets. On Thursday, June 1, from 7:30 AM – 4 PM and Friday, June 2, from 7:30 AM – 4 PM, the inside northbound lane will be closed, […]