Last week, our deputies teamed up with Ra private rail company and its contractor to cleanup a large encampment along the railroad tracks near McKinley Ave E & 72nd St in Midland. Deputies have responded to a significant number of calls for service at the encampment, including reports of shootings and assaults. During the cleanup, […]
Pierce County
PCSD participates in ‘Arrive Alive’ program
ARRIVE ALIVE… That is what we want for your children when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Take a look at how Central Pierce Fire and Rescue, the Puyallup Extrication Team, Puyallup Police and the Pierce County Sheriff have teamed up to bring the Arrive Alive program to Central Pierce County. We hope […]
Reaching out and responding
Submitted by Bruce Dammeier, Executive. Even though our employee turnover rate is significantly lower than most governments (0.9% per month v. 1.6% average for state and local governments), our amazing Human Resources (HR) team conducted 848 recruitments last year! That included screening more than 20,000 job applications! In the past, we used to post job opportunities on […]
Pierce Transit Receives Recognition for Excellence in Financial Reporting
Pierce Transit recently received notification that its Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for the 2022 fiscal year was awarded the Government Finance Officers Association’s (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. This certificate is the highest level of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting, signifying a noteworthy achievement for a government and […]
What you can do it you have a social security or SSI overpayment
An overpayment occurs when Social Security pays a person more money in Social Security benefits or SSI payments than should have been paid. The amount of the overpayment is the difference between the payment received and the amount that was due. Social Security is required by law to adjust benefits or recover debts when an […]
Transform traffic boxes into community art
The Pierce County Arts Commission (PCAC) invites artists residing within Pierce County to participate in a unique opportunity to beautify their communities once more. Applications are now being accepted online to submit artwork that can be applied to traffic signal boxes throughout unincorporated Pierce County. “We are thrilled to continue this successful program with a […]
Supporting Veterans and Service Members and their Families
Office of Rep. Mari Leavitt, 28th Legislative District announcement. I hope your spring is going well. In this email update, I am going to share with you some of my successes this session to support veterans, service members, and military-connected families. I will also be updating you on some election-year restrictions that will affect my […]
RIDE ALONG: Deputy Avalos
Dayshift in Parkland can be pretty busy, but when they get the chance our deputies like to be proactive and work on problem areas in the community. RIDE ALONG with Deputy Brandon Avalos to see how he helps tackle ongoing issues in Parkland. We share these videos with you so you have an actual look […]
Kilmer Honored as a Fiscal Hero for Championing Responsible Budget Reform
Office of Rep. Derek Kilmer announcement. Last week, U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer (WA-06) was named a Fiscal Hero of the 118th Congress by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB). Fiscal Heroes are awarded each Congress to recognize policymakers working to improve the nation’s fiscal situation and fix the budget process. “I’m deeply honored to receive the […]