Submitted by Candyce Hernandez. The last school board meeting people (and Paul Wagemann) who are against the new iteration of the Equity policy we’re slandered as “conspiracy theorists” for believing the ties equity has to Marxism. Let me explain why this isn’t conspiracy and you should probably refer to the Communist Manifesto. From each according […]
Letter: Vote Beth Elliott for Responsible Growth in DuPont
Submitted by Beth Elliott. I am running for the DuPont City Council because I believe responsible growth is a way to protect and enhance our quality of life. I have served on the Parks and Planning Commissions, the Sequalitchew Creek Watershed Council, the DuPont Community Garden Board and have participated in numerous other volunteer activities […]
Letter: Lakewood’s Roundabouts and Lakewood Saturday Oak Leaves Memories
Submitted by Tim Marsh, Lakes High Class of 1966. How old are you? Do you remember Lakewood before roundabouts? Am told by a Lakewood resident on 10/4/2021 that roundabouts are being put in/installed/built on Gravelly Lake Drive, one each at Nyanza Park Drive, Veterans Drive and Washington Boulevard intersections. Wow! Speaking of, “How old are […]
Letter: Wapato Park Still Impressive
Going to Wapato park as a child, 40+ years ago, was always fun. There were trails to hike, ducks to feed, a swimming area and a boat house. One of the more memorable things for me was “climbing” the trail to the backside of the waterfall, which cascaded down to a small fish pond below. […]
The state of Clover Park School District in 2021? In one word: failing
Submitted by John Arbeeny. In response to Superintendent Banner’s presentation before Lakewood United on 23 September 2021, I’d like to give a truer picture of the state of Clover Park School District. Don’t blame COVID for “challenges” in academic performance. Every school district has had the same challenges so it’s a common factor not unique […]
Letter: Steilacoom City Council Campaign
Submitted by Neely May. Small town elections are exciting, often personal but always dynamic. An amazing lesson in civics to those old enough to appreciate it. I think there is potential for a NETFLIX series and will be standing by my phone for network giants to call me. I have made it a point, and […]
Letter: 14 stock Critical Race Theory (CRT) supporter deceptions and how to respond
Submitted by John Arbeeny. Below labeled #1 through #14 are the most common deceptive statements you will hear from Critical Race Theory (CRT) supporters to any challenge of their orthodoxy. You’ll hear their deceptions time and again as part of their narrative. They seek to deny, distort, distract, detract and disavow the very nature of […]
Letter: Nisqually Tribe Objects to Proposed Renaming Fort Steilacoom Park
Submitted by Willie Frank III Nisqually Tribe Chairman. The Nisqually Tribe strongly objects to the proposal of renaming Ft. Steilacoom Park. To do so erases the history of this area which includes the jailing and hanging of our Nisqually Chief Leschi there. We are requesting a government to government meeting to discuss this and the […]
Letter: Dear CPSD
Submitted by Candyce Hernandez. The ransomware is no longer a viable excuse to not have your things together. It is a new school year and things are still in disarray. It almost seems as though you use it as a scapegoat for incompetence. Your lack of communication is apparent in the way you left the […]