On April 19, 2020, Tillicum’s David Anderson published a letter titled Letter: Is coronavirus a reason for cannabis home delivery? In case you missed David’s letter, click my link, which provides background information helpful to readers before devouring the remainder of my writing below. The other day I could not help replying to Mr. Anderson’s […]
Letter: The Mayor is right, the Governor is wrong
KIRO 7 News Staff reported late afternoon April 20 that Lakewood’s mayor “admits he’s responsible for an online social media post criticizing enforcement of Washington’s statewide coronavirus shutdown and blaming Gov. Jay Inslee.” Good for Mayor Anderson. While apparently the entirety of Anderson’s claims cannot be considered as accurate, his charges alleging heavy-handedness – let […]
Letter: Is coronavirus a reason for cannabis home delivery?
If you don’t think about it for too long – any more than the 152 seconds it takes to read it – the April 15 editorial by the Tacoma News Tribune Editorial Board (TNTEB) might initially appear somewhat reasonable. “Legalize home delivery of marijuana.” After all, think of the “frail, sick or immunocompromised” the TNTEB […]
Across the Fence: A Lake in the Middle of Nowhere
Cabin Fever causes dreams of escape and about traveling despite the current order to stay in place. But we can always travel in our minds. And today I’d like to take you to a place that you have probably heard of but maybe have never been to: an artificial lake in the middle of the […]
Letter: Honesty, still the best policy
April 30 is National Honesty Day, one-day, 24-hours, set aside to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It serves, says Psychics Universe as “a reminder that we should be upright and forthcoming.” Ironic that the same month is bookended by tricks, deceits and falsehoods commonly associated with April 1, and […]
Westside Story – Did You Vote For Joe?
Did you vote for Joe in the last presidential primary? I am not talking about Joe Biden for president. Joe Biden wants to destroy our Second Amendment rights leading to the confiscation of our guns and the right of Americans to defend themselves. I am talking about Joe Boyle for president. Joe Boyle is not […]
Letter: Birds adapt, humans not so much: The eve of destruction
“Herons using bread or insects as bait to catch fish, carrion crows dropping nuts onto roads so passing cars crack open their shells and great cormorants timing their fishing periods in New Zealand to take advantage of the strong currents generated by commercial ferries,” are examples, Jack Guy writes for CNN this April 7, of […]
Westside Story – STC
I promised a follow-up article to my Westside Story – Failure To See The Light, in which I talked about FTC (Following Too Closely). Readers showed great enthusiasm for learning my next safe driving tactic, which I call STC. If you missed the FTC article, click the link above. My acronym FTC stands for Following […]
Letter: Beauty underfoot, and just down the road
National Geographic’s (NG) April 9, 2020 “Your Weekly Escape” edition is subtitled “Extraordinary people, discoveries, and places in a time of turmoil. “Take a deep breath,” NG recommends. “There are still amazing tales of purpose and dedication, exploration that leads to discovery and understanding, and a natural world that often astounds us.” Featured photographer Jim […]