Submitted by Little Church on the Prairie Preschool. Fall 2021 saw the reopening of many preschools that were closed for a whole year. To keep children and the families safe, nonessential gatherings of young children were considered to be risking Covid exposure. So where are we now? Children 3, 4 and 5 years old are […]
TNT: New Clover Park School Board member compares himself to Virginia’s Glenn Youngkin
“A Clover Park School Board race has become an epitome of board elections across the country: a longtime member losing to a dark horse candidate with political backing. “The board’s seven-year president, Marty Schafer, was voted out last month by 88 votes, replaced by a newcomer who has never held public office. “Board member David […]
Lakewood’s Q3 Financial Report Shows Highest Ending Fund Balance Since 2007
City of Lakewood announcement. The City’s finances are in good shape. The City produced its 2021 Q3 Financial Report recently and reviewed it with City Council during the Dec. 13 meeting. Full Report Video of Discussion The City has its highest ending fund balance since 2007 due to cautious financial management. The City reduced expenditures […]
Progress at Veterans and Gravelly Lake intersection in Lakewood
City of Lakewood announcement. Progress continues at the Gravelly Lake Dr/Veterans Drive roundabout. The contractor poured the curbs around the roundabout this week. No work will be performed the week of Dec. 27, 2021 with weather expected to not be conducive to progress. The contractor expects to complete this phase of work in mid-February. The […]
Across the Fence: A German Childhood Christmas
The older one gets, the fonder one looks back on memories. It’s called nostalgia, and often enough things seem rosier than they were. But I think my German childhood Christmases were pretty much perfect. I can’t transmit you the fragrances, but I can give you some impressions of the sounds if you care to click […]
St. Frances Cabrini School Hope is Born: Lessons and Carols Christmas Program
Submitted by St. Frances Cabrini Catholic School. Hope is Born: Lessons and Carols Christmas Program where St. Frances Cabrini students shared about the greatest gift, Jesus Christ. ⭐️🎄 Knights Unite Christmas Program is one of their biggest events of the year where students and staff have the opportunity to share the gospel with the students’ […]
Lakewood City Manager’s Bulletin: December 23, 2021
City of Lakewood announcement. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Tree Advisory Ad Hoc Committee to be Formed The City of Lakewood will convene an ad hoc committee to review current tree preservation code and prescribe revisions to be considered by the Lakewood City Council. The Tree Advisory Ad Hoc Committee will be comprised of up […]
Letter: Observations on the ‘new’ Clover Park School Board Meeting 13 December 2021
Submitted by John Arbeeny, Lakewood. I attended the 13 December 2021 Clover Park School District (CPSD) Board meeting which was conducted “virtually” rather than in person. In the past, minutes of such meetings have not been published for weeks or months after the meeting which made them somewhat irrelevant for the public to stay abreast […]
Local Students Named to Union University’s Dean’s and President’s Lists
Union University has named 342 students to the President’s List and 380 student to the Dean’s List for the fall 2021 semester. President’s List Lakewood – David Edgren Tacoma – Angela Le Dean’s List Lakewood – Sarah Edgren Full-time students who achieve a 4.0 grade point average earn President’s List honors and students who achieve […]