Clover Park School District announcement. In this video, Superintendent Ron Banner discusses updates to the district’s COVID-19 safety protocols and celebrates classified staff for their amazing efforts making the difference for our students.
Across the Fence: Mapping Surprises
Has it ever occurred to you that the road atlas you may still own might not be up-to-date or totally wrong in places? And that nobody bothers to update it, obviously, as so many people rely on GPS these days? My husband and I still study maps – most of you know this by now. […]
Lakewood Invites Opinions About Climate Change
City of Lakewood announcement. The City of Lakewood has begun to survey residents about their opinions on climate change. The survey will assess resident concern and what evidence and effects they have noticed. The City invites the public to participate and offer their opinions about climate change. The survey is available online and a printed […]
Lakewood Requests Public Participation on “Gateway Arcs” Art Installation
City of Lakewood announcement. Lakewood, Wash. – The cobbled street and classic architecture of Colonial Plaza will be joined by another distinguishing feature soon: a new piece of public art. Metallic “Gateway Arcs” will welcome from afar and amaze from up close with a collection of community voices. Residents and community groups may submit brief […]
No Charges Filed Related to 2020 Officer-Involved Shooting of Said Joquin
City of Lakewood announcement. Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney Mary Robnett will not file charges related to the officer-involved shooting that resulted in the death of Said Joquin on May 1, 2020. Robnett issued a thorough review of the incident to the City of Lakewood on Wednesday, March 9, 2022. The review concludes, “Officer Wiley’s use of deadly […]
1,273 calls for service in February
West Pierce Fire & Rescue social media post.
CPSD Participating in Washington Educator Fair March 22
Clover Park School District announcement. Clover Park School District is hosting a hiring booth at the Washington Educator Fair at the Tacoma Dome on Tuesday, March 22, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event is a great opportunity for anyone looking for a certificated position, including teachers, counselors, nurses and more. Attendees will have […]
The Lakewood City Council March 12 Retreat Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Retreat on March 12 (8:30 AM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Proposed Boundary Change for CP School District
Submitted by Clover Park School District. On March 14, 2022, beginning at 5 p.m., the Board of Directors of the Clover Park School District (“CPSD”) will hold a hearing to receive public comment regarding its proposal to transfer certain territory from the Bethel School District (“BSD”) to the CPSD. The hearing will be held in […]