Rotary Club of Lakewood announcement. Mark your calendar for May 20th and 21st for the Lakewood Rotary Virtual Auction. Lakewood Rotary has supported our local and global community for over 60 years. Our service projects, grants to local community service organizations, and scholarships for local students are funded through our annual fundraising auction. Our Club […]
Letter: What was the devastating ecological effect?
Submitted by Eric Chandler. I recently read in the comment area following a recent letter-to-the-editor in The Suburban Times where someone asked, “What was the devastating ecological effect?” I was compelled to write a Reply to that comment, but felt my response should get to a wider audience, because, actually it is a good question. So here […]
CPSD Staff Spotlight: Lawrence Alvarez
A Clover Park School District story. Our CPSD Staff Spotlight for Certificated Employees Week features Clover Park High School multilingual learner (MLL) teacher Lawrence Alvarez. Lawrence has been an educator for 15 years and spent the first 11 teaching English in different countries, including the Philippines and Japan. “I come from a family of teachers, […]
Letter: City of Lakewood Citing Incorrect “Facts”, and Using Bad Analysis on Waughop Lake
Submitted by Tom McClellan. I feel bad for Lakewood’s Communications Manager Jim Kopriva. He has not been on the job very long, and he is compelled by his duty position to be the voice of the City’s staff, even on topics where he does not have any firsthand knowledge. He has been led by the […]
Clover Park School District April 2022 Board Meeting Review
Clover Park School District announcement. April 11 Regular Meeting During its April 11 board meeting, the Clover Park School District (CPSD) Board of Directors heard a report from Superintendent Ron Banner. Superintendent’s ReportIn his report, Banner discussed student achievement and community engagement. Student Achievement Four Clover Park High School and two Harrison Preparatory School seniors […]
Partners of Lakewood Rotary Host “Sip and See” Online Auction Preview
Submitted by Lakewood Rotary. For the Lakewood Rotary 2022 Online Auction on May 21, the Partners of Lakewood Rotary have come up with a fun new way to kick off this annual event—“Sip and See.” Sip and See will combine a bottle of Washington State Barrel Press wine (red or white, your choice) or sparkling […]
Community Work day at South Puget Sound Wildlife Area, May 7
Clover Park Rotary Club announcement. Saturday, May 7 (9 am-1 pm) is a Community Work day at the South Puget Sound Wildlife Area (also know as the old Game Farm on Phillips Rd, across from Hudtloff Middle School). We will do a Spring Cleanup and install two new Picnic Tables. Come join Rotary, Kiwanis and Lions […]
CPSD Promising Future: Emma Kaack
A Clover Park School District story. Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Clover Park High School senior Emma Kaack. Emma is a military child who relocated several times before moving to Washington and joining Clover Park this year. She jumped into a new school as a senior, but that did not stop her […]
Lakewood United: General Meeting May 5
Lakewood United announcement. Lakewood United will hold a General Meeting on Thursday, May 5th, 2022, at Bur’s Restaurant. Doors open at 7am and the meeting will begin promptly at 7:30 am. Our guest speaker will be Pierce County Auditor Julie Anderson, who has served in this elected nonpartisan position from November 2009 – Present. Her presentation will […]