A Clover Park School District story.

Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Clover Park High School senior Emma Kaack.
Emma is a military child who relocated several times before moving to Washington and joining Clover Park this year. She jumped into a new school as a senior, but that did not stop her from making friends and enjoying her last year of high school. “Once I started playing sports it was easy to have fun making friends and build connections with people,” she said.
Emma is very creative and enjoys painting and drawing at home, but, above all, she likes spending time outdoors and being active. She is currently playing on the CPHS girls softball team and looks forward to joining her friends on the field every day. “My favorite part of the day is definitely softball because I get to be with the people that I enjoy being with the most and get to do what I love,” she said.
Emma’s grades are one of the many reasons she is a standout student, and her love for science is something to admire. “I really enjoy anatomy. I love science and only have to take one science class this year because I already took so many at my last school,” she said. “I took five science classes last year!”
After graduating, Emma plans to go to Austin Peay State University in Tennessee to be near family. She wants to become a pediatric nurse one day and cannot wait to graduate so she can take even more science classes on the way to her degree. “The idea of being able to help people, especially kids, has always been what I’ve wanted to do in life because I just enjoy helping others,” she said.