Submitted by The Cohen Clinic at Valley Cities. Cohen Veterans Network (CVN), a national not-for-profit network of mental health clinics for post-9/11 veterans, service members and their families, announced that it will make a donation to Nourish Pierce County as part of its new initiative to help combat food insecurity among military families around the […]
Season’s Greetings from Partners for Parks
Partners for Parks is happy to share our community has come together and raised nearly $2.4 million dollars of our $3.5 million dollar goal for private sector support of The H-Barn Project. During the holiday season more than ever, we want to express our gratitude to those who have made this progress possible. And in […]
Across the Fence: Heiligenschein
Do you remember when you were drawing pictures as a kid? Maybe you drew nativity scenes around Christmas, too? I had no idea that Mary was always drawn with a blue coat in the canon of art history. Of course, Joseph had a beard. And though both parents were dark-haired, my Jesus, although a new-born, […]
Letter: Celebrating Native heritage in Lakewood is great for Fort Steilacoom Park in several ways
Sometimes, doing the right thing also brings added benefits — and that’s exactly what’s happening with an exciting new initiative at Fort Steilacoom Park. Let’s unroll some background to explain why. The park gets its name from an actual US Army fort, whose surviving 170-year-old buildings stand across Steilacoom Boulevard on the ‘front lawn’ of […]
In the Book Nook with … Jay Larkin
Author Jay Larkin from a suburb of London, England, is currently retired, but worked as a chemical engineer, later became a guidance counsellor in a college, and ended up as an art facilitator for young people with behavioral problems. She has been writing for about ten years. Her first book – under a pen name, […]
Wind and rain may cause power outages, flooding in Lakewood
The National Weather Service issued a Wind Advisory for our region through Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2024. With the wind and the heavy rain falling, local utility companies are warning of the potential for power outages. The heaviest winds are expected to hit overnight Tuesday to Wednesday. The winds will pick up around 8 p.m. coming […]
Lakewood’s Clover Park Rotary prepares a very Merry Christmas for local kids
This week, Clover Park Rotary (Lakewood) conducted a shopping and gift-wrapping event to prepare Christmas for kids in the Clover Park School District that may not otherwise have a joyous one. Under the direction of their committee chair Joyce Oubre’, 15 to 20 club members shopped along with West Pierce Firefighters to fill the needs […]
Lochburn Middle School: Academic Collapse Complete in 2024
Submitted by John Arbeeny. Each week as a public service Lakewood CARES will be providing an academic-based response to schools highlighted in the Clover Park School District (CPSD) “#SuperSchoolShoutOut“ articles in The Suburban Times. This is data you will not find elsewhere in CPSD public relations pieces, School Board meeting agendas or “Inside Schools”. This […]
It’s a Wonderful Life, A Beloved Christmas Holiday Staple at Lakewood Playhouse
Peg and I saw the last dress rehearsal of It’s a Wonderful Life – a live radio play on Thursday evening, the night before the official opening. The last dress rehearsal is a chance to shake the fear out of the actors, the director, and all the stage hands. The premise of this production is […]