Are you ready to switch off your screens and ponder or discuss another writing/conversation prompt from my friend Tyrean Martinson’s book? Here’s my take on it. What a coincidence as this week actually marked a wedding anniversary in our family, that of my wonderful stepson and his lovely wife. We were at their Texas wedding […]
In the Book Nook
In the Book Nook with … Kathrine Willson
Author Kathrine Willson from Hillsboro, Ohio, is currently a full-time author. She began writing in high school as an outlet. Her first book was published 3 years ago. As she is fairly new to the writing community, she is still learning about author groups and similar; she hasn’t joined any yet. When Kathrine isn’t writing, […]
In the Book Nook with… Katherine Krige
Author Katherine Krige from London, Ontario, Canada, offers editing services and has been a Social Media Manager for several local small businesses when she is not writing for a living ( She has always kept journals, but only published her first book in 2021. She is a member of her local Shut Up & Write […]
In the Book Nook with … E.R. Phoenix
Author E.R. Phoenix from Vega Baja, Puerto Rico, used to be a science teacher for eleven years and a fitness instructor for ten before she became a full-time writer in 2023. She began writing when she was eleven; her first book was this year in April. She is a member of a local Indie Authors […]
In the Book Nook with … Matt Mememaro
Author Matt Mememaro from Queensland, Australia, works as a medial administrator. He first started writing when he was eleven or twelve, then took a long break, as school and life took over. He rekindled it at 17 for a few years only, to take another long break again until recently. He is determined not to […]
In the Book Nook with … Ryan LaMantia
Author Ryan LaMantia from Denver, Colorado, worked for Safelite Autoglass for twelve years, but in 2021, decided to borrow some money from his house to live off for a year, while chasing his dream of writing a book. When that money dried up, he began driving for Uber and Lyft to pay the bills so […]
In the Book Nook with … William J. Zambini
Author William J. Zambini (aka Bill Jarcho) from Vashon Island, WA, is also a semi-retired, still working artist. He has been writing for over 40 years, but his first children’s book was published just now. William is part of the Tacoma Children’s Book crit group. When he is not writing he enjoys music, movies, reading, […]
In the Book Nook with … Steve Rogan
Author Steve Rogan lives with his wife in Silang, Cavite on the island of Luzon, Philippines. He retired early from a successful and colorful job-life, in 2015. In 1975, when in 6th grade, Steve entered a 6th grade poetry competition and won. His first book, The Seed Keeper, was commenced in 1992 and published to […]
In the Book Nook with … Rhea Morrigan
Author Rhea Morrigan lives on the eastern edge of Middle Tennessee, on the Cumberland Plateau, in a place called Hanging Limb. She has worn many hats, from being a cook in her early days to being a Visual Basic programmer, to owning and operating an auto repair shop with her late husband. When he retired, […]