Baylor University celebrated nearly 1,800 graduates who received their degrees during summer and fall commencement ceremonies. DuPont – Jonathan Haller, Doctor of Science in Physician Assistant Studies in Orthopaedics, Graduate School, December Graduation Fircrest – Sadie Brayton, Master of Science in Communication Sciences & Disorders, Graduate School, August Graduation President Linda A. Livingstone, Ph.D., honored […]
Local residents named to Gonzaga’s President’s and Dean’s Lists
The following local residents have earned placement on the Gonzaga University President’s List for fall semester 2021. Students must earn a 3.85 to 4.0 grade-point average to be listed. DuPont Amanda Anderson Fircrest Hayden Saalfeld John Schott Lakewood Clayton Thatcher William Wagner Tacoma Avier Doss University Place, Sage Saplan The following local residents have earned […]
Local students achieves academic distinction at Whitman College
Local students earned academic distinction for the most recent semester at Whitman College. This recognition is given to students who have completed a minimum of 12 credits, passed all credits attempted, and have earned a grade-point average of 3.5 or higher on no fewer than nine graded credits during the semester. Fircrest – Hanna Lynch, […]
Free Car Washes for Veterans, Military Personnel at Classy Chassis on Veterans Day
Submitted by Classy Chassis. Classy Chassis is offering their annual FREE car washes on Veterans Day, November 11th, to veterans and all military personnel (active and retired) and their family! The complimentary car wash can be redeemed from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm at any of the five automatic tunnel sites located in Pierce County: […]
World Polio Day is Oct. 24
Submitted by Claudia Ellsworth, Rotary Club of University Place-Fircrest. A day to celebrate the near eradication of an international disease that has affected millions. Polio, as some may remember, was called “infantile paralysis” in an earlier time. That’s because polio: Affects mainly children under the age of 5. Is highly contagious and those infected show no […]
Thank You, Safeway Customers
Rotary Club of University Place-Fircrest story. During August 2021, the Rotary Club of University Place-Fircrest conducted a peanut butter/food drive at the Green Firs Safeway to benefit Families Unlimited Network food bank. Thanks to the generosity of Safeway customers, the UP-Fircrest club collected 2,524 lbs. (110 lbs. per club member). This bested last year’s total of […]
Reps. Leavitt and Bronoske coffee and conversation tour moved to virtual format
A press release from Washington State House Democrats. 28th Legislative District State Reps. Mari Leavitt and Dan Bronoske are hosting a series of informal coffee and conversation events throughout the 28th Legislative District. Due to rising COVID-19 cases, the remainder of these events will be held online in order to help keep our community healthy and safe. Please visit the […]
Ice Cream Social Meet with Two Fircrest City Council Candidates Aug. 21
The Campaigns of Nikki Bufford For Fircrest City Council Position 6 and Deanna Nuttbrock-Allen for Fircrest City Council Position 7 will be hosting an ice cream social meet and greet on Saturday August 21st at the Fircrest Park Pavilion from 12:30pm to 3:30pm. Nikki and Deanna are excited for this opportunity to meet with residents, […]
Fircrest City Buildings Are Open
Starting on July 1, 2021, Fircrest City Hall is OPEN, 8am-5pm, Monday through Friday. City Facilities are closed on July 5th in observance of Independence Day. For more information about operating hours for other facilities, click on one of the following: Police Parks & Recreation Public Works We ask that if you are not vaccinated, that […]