TACOMA, Wash. (AP) — A guaranteed income pilot program will launch in Tacoma this summer. The News Tribune reports the program, called Growing Resilience in Tacoma, or GRIT, plans to serve at least 100 people chosen at random who will receive $500 a month for than 12 months. Read more at KOMONews.com.
Lakewood City Manager April 30 Info Bulletin
Read the Lakewood City Manager’s (John Caulfield) April 30 Info Bulletin to the Mayor and City Council online by clicking here.
Mother’s Day Coffee Chat (and change the world) on May 3
An exclusive Mother’s Day Gift Guide – Gifts for Mom’s Who Have Everything They Need And Really Don’t Need a Gift But Will Certainly be hurt if they don’t get one – will be front and center at Zoom Coffee Chat (and change The World) on Monday May 3 at 9:00 am. The whole virtual […]
Emergent needs addressed in first round of ARPA allocations by Pierce County Council
Economic stabilization topped the list of emergent funding needs the Pierce County Council tackled Tuesday with its first round of American Rescue Plan Act funding allocations. In a unanimous vote Council allocated an initial $50.5 million in federal funds to help the local response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “This bill addresses the emergent needs of […]
Across the Fence: Fryxell, Falls, and Fame
Life is short. And if you want to fill it to the brim with the good stuff, make a bucket list of things that you are capable of doing or achieving. When I came over here almost eleven years ago, my husband had told me to come up with a list of places that I […]
It’s U.P. Garden Tour Time
Mark your calendars for May 15 and 16, Saturday and Sunday, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Brought to you by the U.P. Historical Society, the garden tour is now in its 11th year of showcasing local gardens for your entertainment and enlightenment. This year’s tour features five unique gardens and the Curran House, where […]
Help shape the future of Pierce County
Submitted by Jani Hitchen, Pierce County Council District 6. Are you interested in planning and land use and how it is done in Pierce County? The county’s Planning Commission will soon have a vacancy for its District 6 position due to the current member being at the end of their term. Want to know more? […]
Letter: Downsize While You Still Can
Submitted by Thomas Strome. When the author moved to Washington almost twenty eight years ago, two things were near heart stopping in their financial impact: Real Estate, and Car Tabs. Conversely, a move to Florida for Washingtonians can be downright cheap. You have a lot of choices which can be daunting but the Internet can […]
Correction: Join Clover Park Rotary at the Game Farm on May 1
Clover Park Rotary (not Lakewood Rotary as reported yesterday) is coordinating the May 1 work party at Lakewood South Sound Wildlife are (also know as the old Game Farm on Phillips Rd). If you care to join to party (9 am-1 pm), learn more here.