The University Place City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on Dec. 6 (6:30 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
CPSD Promising Future: Malaki Kennison
A Clover Park School District story. Our Promising Futures featured student this week is Lochburn Middle School eighth grader Malaki Kennison. He is a thoughtful student who puts in a great deal of effort to get his work done well and on time every day. His favorite subject is math because it offers a single […]
Nobles named Hunt-Kean Leadership Fellow
Washington State Senate Democrats announcement. State Sen. T’wina Nobles (D-Fircrest) was named one of 27 elected officials around the country in the newest cohort of the Hunt-Kean Leadership fellows program. The program vision is to help political leaders develop, improve and reform a vision for educational improvement by partnering with experts and connecting with bipartisan […]
Construction continues through holidays to open Hilltop Tacoma Link in 2022
Sound Transit announcement. The Hilltop Tacoma Link construction is now 80% complete, and we’re scheduled to open in summer/fall 2022! Over the past several months, crews have installed most of the track as well as stations, electrical substations, overhead wires, poles, signals, curbs, gutters, pavement and more. We’re excited to ride Tacoma Link with you […]
The Lakewood City Council Dec. 6 Meeting Agenda
The Lakewood City Council will hold a Regular Meeting on Dec. 6 (7 PM). Access the agenda and access instructions here.
Pierce Transit releases 2021 Report to the Community
Pierce Transit announcement. Pierce Transit has released its 2021 Report to the Community which provides the public with a summary of the agency’s annual activities and accomplishments. The report features videos and links to information as well as recognition of the efforts made by Pierce Transit employees in service to Pierce County residents. Highlights include […]
Pierce County COVID-19 data update confirmed December 3
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department press release. On Dec. 3, our 14-day case rate per 100,000 for Nov. 10-23 is 303.3. The 14-day case rate offers the most reliable look at COVID-19 disease burden on Pierce County. Our hospitalization rate is currently 7.6 per 100,000. Today, we confirmed 242 COVID-19 cases and 3 new deaths: A […]
Obituary Notices – December 4, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Sylvia Mae Brandt; Raymond Scott Thompson. Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: Juan de Dios Pineda; Fred V. Bell; Jane Vernarelli; Carol Lois Nightingale. Mountain View Funeral Home: Gail I. Bauer; Lisa Ann Hill; Stephen Allen Kearns; Alfred Paul Lesieur. Week’s Dryer Mortuary: Charles D. Zimmerman.
Apply by Dec. 8 for Guided Pathways IDEAL Fellowship and opportunity to earn $1,000
Pierce College announcement. Pierce College students have an exciting opportunity to apply for the Initiative for Diversity, Equity, Antiracism and Leadership (IDEAL) Fellowship by Dec. 8. Students will receive a $1,000 stipend for actively participating in this virtual fellowship, which begins in February 2022. The fellowship consists of six virtual sessions scheduled for every other Friday from […]