In 2019 Peg and I took two granddaughters to see that year’s current Panto. Years before we had taken them several times to the yearly Panto . . . they always enjoyed the funny and outlandish storylines and the characters. They laughed just as much as adults as they had when they were just children. […]
To Ponder
Donuts, Turkey, Friends, and Family
It was a lovely fall afternoon. Bobby walked slowly home after school. Normally he would have been romping around and having a good time with his buddies. He didn’t know how his grandmother was going to re-act. He had spent money from Grandma Annie and had nothing left to show for it. Bobby didn’t know […]
Across the Fence: Stolperstein
They are square (ten by ten centimeters) and made from a brass plate fused with a concrete block underneath. They have been all over Europe since 1997. Usually, they are engraved with the name and birthdate of a person. And with a date that tells passers-by about their fate. They are not random persons; their […]
Letter: Berries from the Tree
Soon Thanksgiving, then Christmas,To gather our dear family,But not the one who loved to decorate,With the berries from the tree. If life could be lived over,I would love her far more tenderly,I would not complain at any request,Like gathering berries from the tree. To hold her hand more, flowers just because,Throughout that blessed half-century,To do […]
17000 Years Ago, Woolly Mammoths Walked All Over the Pacific Northwest
17,000 years ago, during the ice age, Woolly Mammoths walked the grasslands from here to Alaska, across to Siberia and continued to western Europe. Man hunted the huge animal as it roamed about. Imagine just looking at one, let alone meeting it eyeball to eyeball. We have evidence of their travel from Oregon, Washington, Canada […]
Letter: The Glass Door Knobs
“Do you think we could find my wedding dress?” My wife of 50 years married thought it would be fun to see if it still fit, if, of course, we could even find it after all these years. She thought sure the dress had survived the fire when our home was destroyed so long ago […]
Dining Review for Crudo & Cotto
Have you ever worried about being offered something that is “too good a thing” to be real? Cousin Lavinia and Peggy and I were driving up and down the streets of Proctor in Tacoma looking for a restaurant that was supposed to be out of this world and incredibly inexpensive. Okay, okay, so there is […]
In the Book Nook with …Monica Devine
Author Monica Devine is from Eagle River, Alaska. The retired speech/language pathologist traveled to many Indian and Eskimo villages in Alaska, evaluating and creating educational plans for kids with speech and language disorders. She always carried a notebook and pencil in her pocket, and recorded observations and experiences while she traveled. Journaling has always been […]
Author Susanne Bacon Sends Military Spouse Sleuth to France
Have you met Emma Wilde, née Schwarz already? Emma is a German journalist who works for a small daily paper in a fictional suburb of the Southern German city of Stuttgart. Though she is supposed to work on cultural and social topics only, she happens to stumble across incidents that involve criminal activity. Emma’s curiosity […]