17,000 years ago, during the ice age, Woolly Mammoths walked the grasslands from here to Alaska, across to Siberia and continued to western Europe. Man hunted the huge animal as it roamed about. Imagine just looking at one, let alone meeting it eyeball to eyeball.
We have evidence of their travel from Oregon, Washington, Canada then across the Bering land bridge to Siberia and beyond. On Halloween, Peggy and I were getting blood tests for upcoming doctor appointments; I was reading the Smithsonian magazine article “A Mammoth Journey”, while we were waiting to be called. A few minutes later I was through and joined Peg as she was finishing with hers.
Our attendant was dressed as a squirrel, so I thought she might appreciate more information about animals and remarked, “Did you know that the woolly mammoth walked roughly twice the circumference of the earth?” She asked, “The actual circumference or total?”
We all three laughed and I just said, “Total”. I feel proud when I’m able to walk around the block. The article was interesting and I suggest you stop in at one of our local libraries that have magazine subscriptions and read it in the Nov-Dec 2023 issue. Or, you could subscribe to the Smithsonian yourself. We guarantee all of the articles are interesting.
I’d stop by the Lakewood Library but it doesn’t exist. Yet they continue to tax me for it on my property taxes. WTF? And I don’t mean Wow, That’s Fantastic.”