Looking to donate those eyeglasses you’ve had laying around the house for a long time? Look no further than the Lakewood First Lions Club, which has been collecting and recycling used eyeglasses since 1954. The used eyeglasses collected by the club (more than 8,000 in 2018) are processed and packaged by the Northwest Lions Eyeglass […]
To Do
Groups Needed for Toys for Tots
For many it has been a good year. But there are some, through no fault of their own, that have been left behind. When there is injustice in the world, often the military of US is called upon to restore humanity. So it is with our own. On Nov. 12th, Pierce County Detachment 504 of […]
Tea With Dorothy on Sept. 27 at Lakewood’s Steeped in Comfort
The great artist Toulouse-Lautrec spent much time and found inspiration in the Moulin Rouge. Edward Degas had Paris’ Café de la Nouvelle Athènes, in Place Pigalle. In Lakewood, there’s Steeped in Comfort. This cozy neighborhood tea house offers 38 different kinds of tea (Chunky Monkey is a big favorite). Everything on the menu is fresh […]
Tai Chi Diary
[From my 2008 archives] Saw the doctor last week. He did a lot of tests and said I am a “fall risk.” Suggested Tai Chi, said it would help with balance. Tried to do research but apparently there’s never been a decent Tai Chi movie in the history of the world. Jackie Chan’s Drunken Master […]
Taste of Samoa at 4th Annual Tai Chi at the Fair
Lita Kuaea and Rumina Suafoa come from a large, boisterous Samoan family (seven daughters, two sons). They have more than 100 names on their immediate family’s Christmas list and they believe that Food, Family, and Faith (they say it capitalized like that) are the most important things in the world. The sisters who call themselves […]
Susanne Bacon Reads at Lakewood Pierce County Library
Would you like to travel to Germany with me? Not physically, of course, but to mind-travel while listening to a couple of chapters from my brand-new book “Home from Home”? Some of you might know that the chapters were originally published as a weekly column in The Suburban Times in Lakewood. And you might already […]
Fourth Annual Empty Step Tai Chi at the Fair, Sept. 20
You meet some fascinating people when you practice Tai Chi. For instance, Sachi Haydo left her home in Japan as a Bride during the Korean War and traveled with her new husband to Ohio where his family refused to accept her. They turned her away because she was Japanese. At 89 she’s considering returning to […]
Dorothy Wilhelm Needs Your Help. Who Can Be Surprised?
I am ooking forward to meeting history buffs, generally interested people, and friends at the Lakewood Film, Art and Book Fest. But Hey, give me a break. I look much better than the picture recently published in Suburban Times. Below, I am in the Pioneer Mother dress I wear for these presentations. Much better, right? […]
Susanne Bacon Reads at the Topside Coffee Cabin
Why does somebody in Wycliff deposit vintage jewelry in the museum curator’s front yard? How can that very same small museum accept a huge inheritance of exhibits without going bust either in space or debt? And what does the Topside Coffee Cabin in Steilacoom have to do with all of this? Why don’t you come […]