Submitted by Pierce County Master Gardeners. Puyallup – Glass Artist and Master Gardener Cynthia LaFleur – Art in the Garden – June 12, 10-11am, Zoom –Ideas for spicing up your garden with artistic accents. Learn to incorporate art to complement your garden. Session will be via Zoom following is the link: ID: 948 9166 8998Passcode: […]
Your Money at Work in Lakewood
Submitted by Greg Rediske, Lakewood Community Foundation Fund. Winston Churchill said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” So many in Lakewood are making a life by giving. Thanks to their generosity over the years, the Lakewood Community Foundation Fund was able to make grants of […]
Pig War of 1859 program planned online for June 13
Submitted by Walter Neary, Historic Fort Steilacoom. Join us 2 p.m. PT on Sunday, June 13, for an online talk by historian and author Mike Vouri about the Pig War of 1859 in Washington Territory. Long before the San Juan Islands were a vacation destination, they were the focus of an international crisis ignited by […]
Tacoma Public Library opens more locations, adjusts operations and services in Phase 3
Tacoma Public Library (TPL) today announces updates to its operations in Phase 3 of Healthy Washington – Roadmap to Recovery. Changes include ending the quarantine of materials, opening three more locations, and adjusting services. June 1: Quarantine no longer required by state mandateFollowing updates to state guidelines, returned library materials no longer require a 24-hour quarantine […]
LRW to host Annual Scholarship luncheon
The Lakewood Republican Women (LRW) will host the annual Betty Jo Neils scholarship at a luncheon ($25) on June 26 (11:30 a.m. social, 12 p.m. opening remarks) at the Tacoma Country and Golf Club. RSVP by June 21, 2021 to Pam Trobaugh, 253-584-0588 or Doreen Imholt, 253-208-2599.
Obituary Notices – June 8, 2021
New Tacoma Cemeteries and Funeral Home: Choon Ja Paik; Dmitriy D Prokopovich, Jr.
Letter: CPSD is it’s own worst enemy
Submitted by Paul Nimmo. If you are not aware, and you are probably not, District Operations has submitted a plan to change many schools’ start/dismissal times, to address the current bus driver shortage. Except for Lakes & Clover Park, just about every other school will be impacted. The most significant change is for Harrison Prep, […]
Jim Andrews Running for Fircrest City Council Position 7
Submitted by Jim Andrews. Through my Public service and military experience, I have found that leadership, honesty and service to others matter. If elected I will listen to all citizens and consider their perspective in making decisions that are in the best interests of our City. In my careers I have worked with both large […]
Obituary Notices – June 7, 2021
Edwards Memorial Funerals Homes, Chapels and Crematories: Judith Ann Wolfe. Mountain View Funeral Home: Sumiko Janie Carter; Quota-Tisha Chrisvon Johnson; Shirley Marie Nation.