German Lopez is a writer for The Morning, The New York Times’s flagship daily newsletter, where he covers major world events and how they affect people. On July 15th he wrote about the “Homeless in America” and how the homelessness crisis is getting worse. “Shelters across the U.S. are reporting a surge in people looking […]
Kinky Boots – An anticipated production, everyone dancing in thigh high boots, good food and a great experience
We must have seen the non-musical film Kinky Boots some time in 2005 at the Grand Cinema in downtown Tacoma and enjoyed the story. Chiwetel Ejiofor played the part of Lola. We didn’t recognize him eight years later when he won the Academy Award for his portrayal of Solomon Northup in 12 Years a Slave. […]
A Look Back at this Season’s Live Local Productions
What a great offering of live theatre productions we’ve had over this last year. For the most part we shook off the damage COVID had done to our local actors and theaters and achieved some excellent presentations that will stay in our minds for years to come. We saw the last production of this last […]
The Carer – Legendary Actor Sir Michael Gifford – Review
I knew the name Brian Cox and could have pointed him out in any line-up, but I could not have told you any particular TV show or feature film he had been in. I had been trying to watch any number of movies from Prime that kept failing and wasting my time with virtually any […]
The Angel Levine with Zero Mostel and Harry Belafonte – Review
My parents bought a motel (La Casa) in Ponders Corner in 1958 when I was 13. Within a year or so I was working around the motel and even renting rooms. Our motel was the closest one to Fort Lewis. When left alone to run the motel I would get any needed change at a […]
Sexual activity on a broad scale has done well for our world
For many people, having sex with another person of the same sex is a sin against God or at least their version of God. That means people who choose their version of both God and sex see themselves as the moral compass of society and possibly a second or third in command of the appropriateness […]
A Fighting Man – Review
I woke up at two in the morning. I tried starting a couple Prime films that had familiar names, but they kept failing and wouldn’t start playing. I remembered the title of A Fighting Man. It sounded like a boxing story, so I thought I would give it a try. It began playback, just like […]
Perfumes Do More Than Just Smell Good – Movie Review
Officially, knowledge of perfume entered Europe in the 14th century, but I’m willing to bet some kinds of perfume made their entrances long before that. Perfume is a mixture of oils and aroma fragrances that give the human body, animals, and homes an agreeable smell or scent. “A woman’s perfume tells more about her than […]
Waiting for the Barbarians – A Contemporary Metaphor
Storyline: At an isolated frontier outpost, a colonial magistrate (Rylance) of an unnamed empire suffers a crisis of conscience when an army colonel (Depp) arrives, intending to interrogate the locals about a suspected impending uprising, using cruel tactics that horrify the magistrate. I found this beautifully shot film on Prime. Official trailer – An allegory […]