Submitted by Kerri Pedrick. This year’s Communities In Schools of Lakewood Fundraising & Community Breakfast will be held on Wednesday, April 16, at 8:30 A.M. This annual event brings together an incredible group of community members, partners, and supporters, and we’d love for you to be part of it! Enjoy a delicious catered breakfast (with plenty of coffee – we […]
Communities In Schools Open House, Nov. 18
I’m Kesha Vann, the new Community Engagement Manager for Communities In Schools of Lakewood. We’re excited to invite all to our open house at our new address: 10828 Gravelly Lake Drive SW Ste. 201 Lakewood, WA 984899 on Monday, November 18, 2024, from 4 PM to 6 PM. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn […]
Communities In Schools Annual Breakfast, May 15
Wednesday May 15th, 2024 join us for our Communities In Schools Lakewood Annual Breakfast. Click here to register. We are excited to once again bring our community together to celebrate our young people and the successes they’ve had during this year! This year, we will be highlighting the partnerships that support Communities In Schools Lakewood […]
Its not too late to Invest in Impact
We have an special opportunity to access a CIS National investment to benefit our students right here in Lakewood, and we are already half of the way there. However, we need our community’s support to make this investment sustainable for the next 30 years. As we come to the final days of 2023, we hope […]
Leaders of Change ‘23
The 3rd Annual “Leaders of Change” was as impressive as ever! “Leaders of Change” is a six-week paid, leadership development, project-based learning program where incoming Clover Park High School seniors research solutions to issues that impact their learning and community, in order to implement them into their school culture and environment throughout the year. This […]
We exceeded our goal
Thank you so much for your continued support of our work with the students and families of Lakewood. The work our Site Coordinators do in the school is the core of Communities In Schools of Lakewood, but our work is incomplete without each member of our community. Thank you for helping make our 30th Anniversary Breakfast event […]