As I approach my three quarter century mark it is only natural that I conclude I know everything. What more is there to learn? To explore this intellectually stimulating philosophical question further, let’s talk pen storage.
Westside Story
Westside Story – Joe Boyle Fails City Council
On October 2, 2017, I received notice a Suburban Times reader, Ms. Elizabeth James, added two comments to my article titled Westside Story – Pencil Vs. Gun. The second comment disclosed her being victimized by Lakewood City Council’s Rental Housing Safety Program (RHSP). My link will take you to the article and her two comments.
Westside Story – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Two things amaze me. I am amazed at all the natural beauty we can find in the City of Lakewood if we take time to notice what is around us. Many good Lakewood residents work hard in their yards and in our community to provide beauty for everyone to enjoy. Good citizens make our world […]
Westside Story – Remember Patty Hearst?
Remember Patty Hearst? I do. The year was 1974. Socialite Patty Hearst was an heiress to her grandfather, William Randolph Hearst’s, publishing wealth. Patty was a 19-year-old college student attending the University of California – Berkeley when a terrorist group known as the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) kidnapped her.
Westside Story: 4-Step RIP Inspection Process
Mr. David Anderson, The Tacoma News Tribune and I have written something close to 90 articles criticizing the City of Lakewood’s controversial Rental Housing Inspection Program, known as the R.I.P.
Westside Story – RIP Rental Addendum
Disclosure: I am not an attorney. I do have 64+ years business experience including 48+ years in the real estate industry.
Westside Story – Compliance & Consequences
When I was a kid in the 1950s all authority figures, including parents, friend’s parents, neighbors, teachers, school principles, ministers, Catholic nuns, and police officers, made their expectations for our deportment, (A fancy word for behavior found on elementary school report cards.), abundantly clear.
Westside Story – Rentals, Oh Rentals, Wherefore Art Thou?
Lakewood’s big Rental Housing Safety Program (RHSP) started October 1, 2017. This socialism experiment is already interesting to watch. It appears Lakewood does not have a 100% accurate accounting of which Lakewood properties are rentals and which are not.
Westside Story – Market Basket Safety
Have you noticed Lakewood is still not doing anything about homeless people stealing $350 market-baskets, commonly called shopping-carts or grocery-buggies? Even though there is an easy, inexpensive, and effective solution to the market-basket theft/blight/safety problem, Lakewood refuses to take action.