As our population ages, there is a growing concern about senior care. There are excellent assisted living facilities in our backyard like Brookdale in Parkland and Cascade Park in Tacoma as well as others. Many of these places have management and staff and most dispense excellent care, but there is an alternative: Adult Family Homes. […]
The Urban Elk Restaurant Breakfast Review
The restaurant Urban Elk name had come up three times in the last few days. One was from my buddy Steve Anderson asking if I had tried the restaurant, yet. I said, “No,” but was corrected by two other people that I had . . . but had not reviewed it. The Urban Elk took […]
Can Five Million Taco Eating Norwegians Be Wrong?
No one is sure when tacos were first eaten. There is evidence that people in the Valley of Mexico ate tacos filled with fish. There is historical documentation that supposedly the first Europeans to feast on tacos was at a dinner that Hernán Cortés gave for his captains. Have you ever heard of Norwegian tacos? […]
Princess Ida reigns in Seattle Gilbert & Sullivan frolic
Submitted By Peg Doman. When I read the press release from the Seattle Gilbert and Sullivan Society, I was a bit put off with the theme of the current season, “Challenging the Canon”. But I was reassured because the Society aims “to preserve the gorgeous music, wit and story-telling from the Victorian theater while also […]
Breakfast at Chambers Bay – Restaurant Review
I arrived at Chambers Bay about fifteen minutes early to admire the spectacular view. The time of year or the weather doesn’t matter. There are little hillocks in the parking lot that lets you stand a little taller to enjoy the view even more. You can see Steilacoom, McNeil and Fox Islands and the Key […]
Fun with Broadway Musicals in Lakewood
John Munn, the artistic managing director of Lakewood Playhouse posted a fun query the other night. He asked people to take a famous musical title and change one letter to alter the name and the plot of the production. I posted several. Looking back at all the variations is almost a giggle fest. Some stretched […]
Westside Story – Beating Joe Boyle
On July 17, fellow Suburban Times writer Joe Boyle let loose a tirade about my restaurant reviews. He claims that he had thought of writing reviews before I started writing mine. Here is one of Joe’s claims: “My pal from high school, Larry King, and I get together for lunch once a week. We had […]
Mushrooms for Flavor and Health
My wife and I both enjoy mushrooms not only for the taste (sautéed in olive oil with onions, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and paprika), but for the health benefits as well. “Researchers found that seniors who consume more than two standard portions of mushrooms weekly may have 50 percent reduced odds of having mild cognitive […]
Mamma Mia, Mamma Mia – Oh, What Fun!
Submitted by Peg Doman. Tacoma Musical Playhouse opened their production of Mamma Mia to cheers and riotous clapping. The audience loved it. There were cheering, hooting and hollering to show appreciation of the cast and to cheer them on. When the curtains opened, I was stunned by the set. Designer Blake York and master stage […]