Metro Parks Tacoma announcement. Bring a family picnic dinner and settle in for 19th century games, music, and the firing of the candy cannon! At Family Fun Night (July 15, 6-9 pm), you can earn prizes for competing in classic competitions like a plate and cup race, sack race, and three-legged race. Think you know […]
Welcome Assistant Chief Crystal Young-Haskins
Tacoma Police Department social media post. On July 5 Chief Moore swore in the newest member of our leadership team, Assistant Chief Crystal Young-Haskins. A/C Young-Haskins will be leading the Administrative Services Bureau. Welcome to the department Assistant Chief Young-Haskins!
Temporary Intersection Closure at East 26th and East D Streets Scheduled July 9
City of Tacoma announcement. The City of Tacoma’s Street Operations Division will be closing the intersection of East 26th and East D streets on Saturday, July 9, from 7 AM to 4 PM to perform permanent street repairs. During this time frame, the entire intersection will be closed with detours in place. All repairs are weather-dependent, and […]
Hearing: Tacoma – Lakewood HOME Consortium 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan
On Tuesday, July 12, 2022, the Tacoma City Council will conduct a public hearing on asubstantial amendment to the Tacoma-Lakewood HOME Consortium’s 2021-2022Annual Action Plan, which outlines the uses of Community Development Block Grant,HOME Investment Partnerships Program, and Emergency Solutions Grant funds.The hearing will be held during the Tacoma City Council meeting and will begin […]
Tacoma Art Museum Offers a Sizzling Summer Event Schedule
Tacoma Art Museum announcement. TACOMA, WA (July 6, 2022) – Concrete art, yoga, dance and free admission nights are among the summer activities planned at Tacoma Art Museum (TAM). “Summer in the Pacific Northwest is finally here, and we have exciting events from hands-on art to dance classes planned along with our current exhibitions,” said David Setford, Executive Director of […]
Community Pride Scrapbook
Tacoma Historical Society announcement. Visit the Tacoma Historical Society’s booth at Tacoma Pride Festival this Saturday and help us create a Community Pride Scrapbook! Supplies will be available for visitors to take a picture and commemorate their day at Pride to be included in a scrapbook that will later be digitized and printed! Once completed, […]
Family fun next week in Tacoma
Metro Parks Tacoma announcement. Shakespeare in the Park, Family Nature Walks, Tiptoe through the Tidepools, Explore the Shore and more are on next week’s calendar. Learn more from the Metro Parks Tacoma newletter.
A Statement From Mayor Woodards on Incident at South 19th Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Way
City of Tacoma announcement. TACOMA, Wash. — “Over the last couple of weeks, we have seen a spike in shootings and fatalities and, this morning, a 14-year-old girl was tragically shot and killed. In the face of these ongoing tragedies, I am beyond devastated. I am furious. While words seem inadequate during times like these, […]
Tacoma Historical Society’s July Virtual Meeting: An Interview with Laurie Jinkins
Tacoma Historical Society announcement. Tacoma Historical Society’s July Virtual Meeting (Monday, July 11 – 7pm) will be an interview with Laurie Jinkins. In honor of Pride Month in Tacoma, Tacoma Historical Society communications manager Kim Davenport sits down for an interview with Washington State Representative Laurie Jinkins. Rep. Jinkins discusses what brought her to Tacoma […]