On Tuesday, July 12, 2022, the Tacoma City Council will conduct a public hearing on a
substantial amendment to the Tacoma-Lakewood HOME Consortium’s 2021-2022
Annual Action Plan, which outlines the uses of Community Development Block Grant,
HOME Investment Partnerships Program, and Emergency Solutions Grant funds.
The hearing will be held during the Tacoma City Council meeting and will begin upon
completion of the regular agenda items, no earlier than 5:15 p.m.
To attend in person, the meeting will be held in Council Chambers, on the first floor of the
Tacoma Municipal Building, located at 747 Market Street. The meeting can
be attended remotely by dialing 253-215-8782 or through Zoom at
https://zoom.us/j/84834233126, and entering the meeting ID 848 3423 3126, and
passcode 349099 when prompted. The meeting will be broadcast on TV Tacoma
and live streamed.
Subject of Hearing: Substantial Amendment to the Tacoma-Lakewood HOME Consortium 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan (AAP)
Background: The Tacoma-Lakewood Consortium (the Consortium) is proposing to substantially amend its program year 2021-2022 Annual Action Plan to program $5,110,825 in supplemental HOME Investment Partnership funds received through the American Rescue Plan (HOME ARP).
Activities funded by the HOME ARP program are required to serve individuals and households experiencing homeless or who are at the greatest risk of housing instability.
The Consortium proposes to allocate HOME ARP funds to the following activities:
- Supportive services: $555,000 (Tacoma)
- Development of affordable rental housing: $3,468,081
- Tenant Based Rental Assistance: $587,744 (Lakewood)
- Administration and planning: $500,000
Written comment will be accepted during a fifteen-day public comment period commencing on July 8, 2022 and concluding at 5 p.m. on July 25, 2022. Electronic comments may be submitted by email to cedhousingdivision@cityoftacoma.org. Written comments may be submitted to: Erika Bartlett, Contract Program Auditor, Community & Economic Development Department, 747 Market Street, Room 900, Tacoma, WA 98402.
For more detailed information on the proposed amendment, contact Erika Bartlett at 253-591-5645 or ebartlett@cityoftacoma.org.