TACOMA, Wash. — The City of Tacoma is partnering with the community to create “Picture Pac Ave” – a long-term vision and plan for growth and development along Pacific Avenue from approximately I-5 to South 96th Street. Over the coming decades, “Picture Pac Ave” will guide future investments – including priority investments for infrastructure and public […]
Juried Local Art Exhibition Awards to Be Announced at July 11 Reception
Tacoma Community College’s 21st Annual Juried Local Art Exhibition will be on display in The Gallery through Aug. 17. The exhibition features paintings, photographs, drawings, sculpture, textile work, and other media by 35 local artists. Building 4 at Tacoma Community College (near the corner of 12th and Mildred), The Gallery is open 10 a.m. – 5 […]
Volunteer Spotlight on Pete Sluka, Park Watcher Extraordinaire
The day is overcast and cool, but the weather is dry, and the forest is full of bird songs. The chittering of a bald eagle is easily recognizable as it sits out of sight in the forest canopy above. It’s a perfect day to walk the trails in Point Defiance Park, and Park Watch volunteer […]
Dr. Anthony Chen officially retires as Director of Health
After more than 14 years leading Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, Dr. Anthony L-T Chen officially retired last week from his position as Director of Health. Our Board of Health plans to honor Dr. Chen for his years of outstanding service to our community at an upcoming meeting, just as the Pierce County and Tacoma councils did last month. Through […]
Sound & Sky at Chambers Creek Regional Park
TACOMA, WASH.— Tacoma Arts Live announces Sound & Sky at Chambers Creek Regional Park, three days of events to celebrate summer August 11-13, 2023. Sound & Sky at Chambers Creek Regional Park offers two concerts and a beer festival with live music and entertainment as well as several Northwest food and drink vendors. Events will run all […]
Sound Transit to run additional service for All-Star week, with all service fare free July 10 and 11
Sound Transit is preparing to welcome the influx of visitors during All-Star week by running additional service on Link light rail as well as special Sounder game trains, with service on Link, Sounder and ST Express buses fare free on July 10 and 11. In addition, passengers taking transit during All-Star week can find all […]
Jack Hyde Beach: Advisory Lifted
We lifted the advisory for people to keep out of the water at Tacoma’s Jack Hyde Beach. We issued the advisory June 29 because of high bacteria level. Results from water samples we collected July 5 indicate the public health concern is over. Questions? Contact the Surface Water Program at ehsurfacewater-shellfish@tpchd.org or visit our website to learn more. You […]
Falsettos Opens with a Bang – Olympia’s Harlequin Theatre
We had excellent seats in the middle of the second row facing the stage. The very versatile three-member band opened the show including Aaron Lamb on piano and synth, Andy Garness on drums and percussion, and Nick Hall on woodwinds. The production begins with a bang with the four male leads (Nicolas Main – Whizzer, […]
‘Brick and Mortar Masterclass’ Workshop on July 19
TACOMA, Wash. — As part of its ongoing efforts to strengthen Tacoma’s entrepreneurial ecosystem with technical assistance and other support, the City of Tacoma’s Community & Economic Development Department is leveraging grant funding from the U.S. Economic Development Administration to host a “Brick and Mortar Masterclass” workshop on July 19, 2023 from 3 PM – […]