A Short Story… For once, Gary was thinking about life. He had tried out a couple of brand new hot cars that he fit right in. He was thinking and considering. His long-time partners had long called him “red” or “Red Eye.” His eyes were actually brown, but in the right light they seemed to […]
Hearing: Potential Moratorium Extension for Certain High-Impact Uses Within South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District
TACOMA, Wash. – On February 4, 2025, the Tacoma City Council will conduct a public hearing on the potential extension of a moratorium concerning certain high-impact uses within the South Tacoma Groundwater Protection District (STGPD). The hearing will be conducted during the City Council meeting, upon completion of the regular agenda items, no earlier than […]
What’s New, Tacoma?: Policy Updates & What They Mean
Tacoma, Wash. – From the Transportation Mobility Plan to Home in Tacoma, the Parks Plan to the One Tacoma Plan, Tacoma’s updating a lot of policy as it looks toward the future. So what does all this policy actually mean? Join Downtown On the Go for a panel digging into new and upcoming policy and how it […]
Hylebos Bridge Temporarily Closed to Vehicular Traffic
TACOMA, Wash. – The Hylebos Bridge (located off East 11th Street in the Tacoma Tideflats) is temporarily closed to vehicular traffic due to mechanical issues caused by cold weather. As a precaution, City of Tacoma crews have raised the bridge to allow uninterrupted access for shipping traffic. The bridge will remain closed to vehicular traffic until the […]
Tacoma Humane Society Hosts Sixth Annual ‘Poorly Drawn Pets’ Fundraiser
Submitted by The Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County. The Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County announces its sixth annual virtual “Poorly Drawn Pets” fundraiser, launching on the organization’s website on Tuesday, Jan. 21. For a donation of $25, participants can submit a photo of their pet through an online form and receive […]
MultiCare launches MultiCare Cancer Institute
TACOMA, Wash. — MultiCare Health System has launched its MultiCare Cancer Institute, a new initiative designed to offer high-value, tailored oncology services and advanced cancer research to patients across the Pacific Northwest. The institute will focus on developing subspecialty disease programs and centers of excellence to expand on MultiCare’s existing cancer services. The goal of […]
City of Tacoma Secures Over $10.6 Million in Grants for Critical Infrastructure Projects
TACOMA, Wash. – The City of Tacoma has been awarded a total of $10,627,945 in grant funding for six needed infrastructure projects across the city. These projects aim to enhance pedestrian safety, improve ADA accessibility, expand bikeways, upgrade roadways, modernize traffic signals, and develop comprehensive transportation plans. They support the City’s Vision Zero Action Plan […]
Songs of the Good Old Days
Over the years Leonard Bernstein was one of my favorite conductors, but Leonard never asked to hear or see me perform. I played piano from the age of five, but was not good at practicing. Later I played the Saxophone at Junior High and Senior High School (Clover Park). I could play . . . […]
Public Power Council Selects Tacoma Power Superintendent as new Chair
At its monthly meeting on January 9, 2025, the Executive Committee of the Public Power Council (PPC) elected officers for the 2025-2026 term. Elected by unanimous decision were: Also, at its Annual Meeting of Members on November 7, 2024, the Public Power Council announced the newly-elected members of the Executive Committee, who will serve a two- year term beginning in January 2025 (listed below). Incoming PPC Chair, […]