An Extended Comment Period regarding the Tacoma Charter Review will begin at 6 pm on Thursday, April 18, 2024 at the Tacoma Municipal Building, Council Chamber (747 Market St, First Floor, Tacoma). See this flyer for more information.
Tall Tales from Tacoma’s Old Town
Classical Tuesdays in Old Town Tacoma announcement. Classical Tuesdays in Old Town Tacoma is happy to help advertise the launching of: Tall Tales from Tacoma’s Old Town, a series on the 4th Thursdays at Slavonian Hall, 7:00pm, 2306 N 30th Street, Tacoma. The first in the series is this Thursday, March 28th with Michael Sullivan […]
Sea Otter Moea Receives Health Exam
Moea, the 14-year-old sea otter, recently received her routine wellness exam. While under anesthesia, the rescued sea otter was weighed, x-rayed, and given a full dental exam and cleaning. Veterinarian Dr. Kadie Anderson checked Moea’s eyes and nose, listened to her heart and lungs and examined her body. Sea otters are vital for the health […]
WorkForce Central, Pierce County Invest to Strengthen Behavioral Health Workforce
Pierce County, WA: With the support of Pierce County and a $1.9 million grant, WorkForce Central is doubling down on efforts to strengthen and support the behavioral health workforce in Pierce County. As a result of ongoing efforts to identify and address challenges in this field of work, WorkForce Central has formally established the Pierce County […]
Fort Nisqually celebrates 90 years of living history and looks to the future
Fort Nisqually Living History Museum is celebrating 90 years of operation in Point Defiance Park. The milestone will be incorporated into 2024 programming through special events, the debut of a new exhibit, and a virtual guest book where the public can share their favorite memories. The museum is a restoration of the Hudson’s Bay Company […]
Award-winning author Ted Chiang to discuss the intersection of AI and artistic expression
Submitted by University of Puget Sound. Renowned science fiction writer Ted Chiang, whose short story “Story of Your Life” inspired the critically acclaimed movie Arrival, will be delivering a thought-provoking lecture on the topic of “Artificial Intelligence, Artifice, and Art.” The event will take place on April 2, 2024, at 7 p.m. in the Tahoma […]
Spring Break Staycation
Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium will be open daily beginning April 1, just in time for Spring Breaks across the region. Of course, animals like the tigers, red wolves, hammerhead sharks and harbor seals can be seen, but there’s so much more to do at the zoo, too. Take a look at our top activities […]
Poetry in the Harbor: April 18 at TCC Gig Harbor
What: TCC’s Second Annual Poetry in the Harbor Event Where: TCC Gig Harbor When: 6-9 p.m. April 18 Registration: $25. Register here. Featuring readings by four local poets, this National Poetry Month celebration is open to everyone. Emcee Allen Braden, a TCC Literature Professor and author of “A Wreath of Down and Drops of Blood” and […]
Mayor Victoria Woodards Steps Back From Traditional State of the City Address Format to Prioritize Community Voices
TACOMA, Wash. — In a move to prioritize community voices above her own, Mayor Victoria Woodards will be stepping back from the traditional State of the City address format this year. Instead, community members are invited to directly share their concerns and priorities with the City on March 28 from 6:30 – 8 PM at […]